Vacancy post-doctoral researcher Centre for Science and Technology Studies

Noijons, E. noyons at CWTS.LEIDENUNIV.NL
Thu Mar 7 04:36:21 EST 2013

The Centre for Science and Technology Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Leiden University wishes to announce a vacancy for the following position:

POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHER (38 hours per week)

Vacancy number: 13-062

The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)

The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) is an interdisciplinary institute at Leiden University. Our research staff originates from many fields, varying from psychology, political science, literature studies and information science, to computer science, economics, physics and chemistry. We study the dynamics of science and its connections to technology and innovation. In other words, we study scientific and scholarly research from a scientific point of view. CWTS uses large databases that enable us to quantitatively discern the growth in scientific publications, patterns of collaboration, the impacts of science, and many other aspects of science such as scholarly communication and evidence-based performance assessment.

Our research is also used to provide high-quality services, via a university-owned company CWTS BV, to research institutes for evaluation of the impact of their publications and their standing in the international scientific community. In addition, we analyse the development of scientific careers, and the impact of research assessment on knowledge production, by way of mixed-methods research (including surveys and ethnographic methods).

Since 2012, we have focused our activities and interests within the framework of a new research program ( CWTS has three chairs for full professors (Scientometrics; Science & Innovation studies; Science policy studies) as well as five working groups on key research themes (Advanced bibliometric methodologies; Evaluation practices in context; Social sciences and humanities; Scientific careers; Societal impact of research). The centre hosts a dynamic group of senior researchers and talented juniors who welcome collaboration with colleagues internationally and nationally. We can accommodate internships and provide students with supervision for Master’s and PhD theses. 

Job description

We are inviting applications for a post-doctoral position in our new research program. The post-doctoral candidate is expected to carry out research in the context of the Evaluation Practices in Context (EPIC) working group at CWTS. This new line of research focuses on the implications of research assessment, and the performance criteria applied, for scientific and scholarly communication and knowledge production. The post-doc project will be drawn up in close consultation with prof.dr. Paul Wouters (Scientometrics chair) and dr. Sarah de Rijcke (EPIC working group leader). The post-doc will be encouraged to carry out comparative research with other EPIC group members. Results of the research will be disseminated through preparation of publications for a range of audiences.

Evaluation Practices in Context (EPIC)

The working group Evaluation Practices in Context (EPIC) examines the politics and practices of research evaluation in connection with contemporary forms of governance of research and scholarship. EPIC combines and contributes to theoretical frameworks and detailed empirical studies from Science and Technology Studies (STS) broadly defined (including scientometrics, and history, sociology and anthropology of science), organizational studies and higher education studies. The working group pays particular attention to the implications of research assessment, and the performance criteria applied, for scientific and scholarly communication and knowledge production. Important STS perspectives that we draw on have demonstrated that ‘science’ and ‘politics’ or ‘knowledge’ and ‘power’ should not be seen as separate spheres of action, but are involved in a constant process of mutual embedding and stabilization. Accordingly, our work analyzes the co-constitution of knowledge in relation to specific epistemic cultures, evaluation systems, publication practices, and governance contexts.

Profile post-doctoral researcher

We are looking for a prospective candidate with a PhD in the social sciences or humanities, preferably in science, technology and innovation studies or related fields (e.g. sociology, law, anthropology, political science, history of science, organizational studies, cultural studies). The candidate must have strong skills in designing, organizing and executing qualitative research, especially interviews and ethnographic fieldwork. Experience with computer-supported analysis (eg AtlasTI) is desirable but not necessary. Preference will be given to candidates with an academic drive who can provide clear evidence of, or potential for, international excellence in published research. The candidate should be able to work independently as well as cooperate in an interdisciplinary team. S/he should have verbal fluency in English and good written and verbal communication skills. Fluency in Dutch is considered an asset, but not a condition.


We offer a temporary position as a researcher for a period of two years. Depending upon qualifications and experience, the gross monthly salary will be between €3227 and €4418 (scale 11), based on full time employment.

Benefits include pension contribution, annual holiday premium of 8% and an end-of-year premium of 8.3%. Non-Dutch nationals may be eligible for a substantial tax break (30% ruling).

Applicants should have the right to work in the Netherlands for the duration of the contract.

Additional Information

Further information about this position can be obtained from dr. Sarah de Rijcke, tel. +31 71 5276853 <tel:%2B31%2071%205276853>  (office) or e-mail at


Letters of application should be accompanied by a full curriculum vitae and two or three references.

Applications should reach the university by March 28, 2013 and can be sent electronically to our Human Resource Department at vacature at

When your application reaches us we will send you confirmation by e-mail. If you have not received a confirmation within three days after sending the e-mail, please phone us at +31 71 527 3427 <tel:%2B31%2071%20527%203427> . 

** We will schedule interviews on the 3rd and 10th of April 2013 **

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