call for papers
Antonio Banfi
antonio.banfi at UNIBG.IT
Tue Mar 5 17:05:56 EST 2013
Dear Colleagues Please find attached the call for papers for a new journal
we just launched at the University of Milan (Italy). I hope it will be of
your interest and we will be grateful to you if you will do circulate it.
Warm regards,
A. Banfi
A Journal on Research Policy and Evaluation
Roars Transactions, a Journal on Research Policy and Evaluation (RT), is an
electronic open-access, peer-reviewed journal, published every six months.
RT draws from the experience of (Return on Academic ReSearch),
a collective blog (in Italian) dedicated to the monitoring and critical
examination of policy measures and trends in higher education and public
research. RT aims at extending the blogs scope and depth, by soliciting
contributions worldwide and of a scholarly nature.
At the same time, RT wishes to maintain and enhance its characteristic of
inter-disciplinarity, topical relevance, and openness. Contributions are
solicited from all fields of natural, social, and human sciences in the
following areas:
Research and teaching evaluation methodologies and practices
Use and extension of quantitative indicators for the study of
research and higher education systems
Current policy issues concerning higher education institutions,
including perspective evaluation of ongoing reforms and retrospective
assessment of past ones
Case studies, including historical ones, on reforms or restructuring
of specific research or higher education institutions, or systems thereof
Theoretical and empirical studies on ethical issues in science,
including data access and retention, selective publication of results, fraud
and plagiarism, and experimentations on humans and animals
Case studies and comparative analysis on legal aspects, law-making
and design of law regarding research evaluation and policy
Empirical studies, also in a historical perspective, on the
influence of science and technology on society, especially of science and
technology policy and institutions.
Reflections from a philosophy and history of science point of view
on the themes described above.
RT publishes original research papers, reviews and discussion notes. The
preferred language is English, but contributions in other languages
(Italian, French, German, Spanish) will be considered for publication - an
extended summary in English will be included.
Announcing the birth of the journal, we launch a call for papers. We welcome
contributions covering all the areas of interest of the journal.
The first issue will be published in the Autumn of 2013 We invite all
interested authors to send their contributions through the automated system
of the journal. Contributions will be peer-reviewed according to the rules
posted on the website of the journal. The editorial guidelines are posted
here. RT complies to the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors.
roarstransactions at
ISSN to be assigned shortly before publication of the first issue.
Editorial Board: Carla Barbati (University IULM Milan, Italy), Guillaume
Cabanac (University of Toulouse, France), Sabino Cassese (Italian
Constitutional Court & Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy), Sébastien Charles
(University of Sherbrooke, Canada), Aldo Geuna (University of Turin, Italy),
Francesco Lissoni (University of Bordeaux IV, France), Henk Moed (Elsevier,
The Netherlands), Lucia Monaco (Telethon Foundation, Italy), Thomas Nickles
(University of Nevada, U.S.A.), Luis Sanz-Menendez (CSIC-IPP, Spain), Daniel
Torres-Salinas (University of Navarra, EC3, Spain), Anna Tramontano
(University of Rome La Sapienza & ERC Council, Italy), Valerio Vercesi
(INFN, Italy), Hugh Willmott (Cardiff Business School, U.K.), Gereon Wolters
(University of Konstanz, Germany).
Editorial Committee: Antonio Banfi (University of Milan, Italy), Francesca
Coin (University of Venice, Italy), Francesco Coniglione (University of
Catania, Italy), Giuseppe De Nicolao (University of Pavia, Italy), Paola
Galimberti (University of Milan, Italy), Mario Ricciardi (University of
Milan, Italy), Giorgio Sirilli (CNR, Italy), Francesco Sylos Labini (CNR,
Italy), Vito Velluzzi (University of Milan, Italy).
Editor in Chief: Alberto Baccini (University of Siena, Italy)
Managing Editor: Antonio Banfi (University of Milan, Italy)
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