In Search of a Network Theory of Innovations; preprint version
Loet Leydesdorff
Fri Jun 28 10:00:02 EDT 2013
In Search of a Network Theory of Innovations
As a complement to Nelson & Winters (1977) article entitled In Search of a
Useful Theory of Innovation, we argue that a sociological perspective on
innovation networks can be elaborated using Luhmanns social-systems theory,
on the one hand, and Latours sociology of translations, on the other. The
sociology of translations specifies a mechanism for generating variation in
relations (associations), whereas the systems perspective enables the
specification of (functionally different) selection environments such as
markets, professional organizations, and political control. Selection
environments can also be considered as mechanisms of social coordination
that can self-organize the control of human agency into a regime in
terms of interacting codes of communication. Unlike relatively globalized
regimes, technological trajectories are organized locally in landscapes,
and can be purposefully influenced by organizations. A resulting duality of
structure (Giddens, 1979) between the historical organization of
trajectories and evolutionary self-organization at the regime level can be
expected to drive innovation cycles. Reflexive translations add a third
layer of multiple perspectives to (i) the relational analysis of observable
links that shape trajectories, and (ii) the positional analysis of networks
in terms of latent dimensions. These three operations can be studied using
different methodologies. Latours first-order associations are thus
analytically distinguished from second-order translations. However, the
resulting operations remain infra-reflexively nested, and can therefore
lead to innovative reconstructions of previously constructed boundaries.
Preprint available at
>> apologies for cross-postings
Loet Leydesdorff* & Petra Ahrweiler**
*University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Communications Research
** Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen
wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH
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