Cassidy Sugimoto cassidysugimoto at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jun 19 23:36:31 EDT 2013



The ASIS&T Special Interest Group for Metrics (SIG/MET) will host a
workshop on Friday, November 1, 2013 (9am – 5pm) preceding the ASIS&T
Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada. This workshop will provide an
opportunity for presentations and in-depth conversations on metric-related
issues, including the latest theories, approaches, applications,
innovations, and tools. Submissions in any area of metrics research will be
accepted for review. The workshop is envisioned as a combination of short
presentations and open discussion. New to this workshop will be the
introduction of a shared dataset from Elsevier as part of the Elsevier
Bibliometrics Research Program. Following the presentation, registered
participants will be invited to participate in analyzing the shared dataset.

SIG/MET is the Special Interest Group for the measurement of information
production and use. It encourages the development and networking of all
those interested in the measurement of information. It encompasses not only
bibliometrics, scientometrics, webometrics and informetrics, but also
measurement of the Web and the Internet, applications running on these
platforms, and metrics related to network analysis, visualization,
scholarly communication.

*Submissions *

Submissions should be in the form of a two-page structured abstract.
Conceptual, empirical, and works-in-progress will be accepted for
submission. Where appropriate, up to three figures/tables can be provided.  Two
types of submissions will be accepted: posters and presentations. Please
indicate the type of submission in bold at the beginning of your
submission. The requirements for both formats are the same.

Submit in .pdf or .doc to

*Peer-Review process *

Each submission will be reviewed and brief feedback will be given in
narrative format.

*Important Dates*

Submissions due: August 15, 2013

Notifications: September 1, 2013

Workshop: November 1, 2013

*Registration fees*

The registration fee is $150 for ASIST members and will include wifi and
two meals. Support from Elsevier may be given to support student
registration, depending on the number and quality of student submissions.

*With questions, please contact *

Cassidy R. Sugimoto

Chair, SIG/MET

sugimoto at

Cassidy R. Sugimoto, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Informatics and Computing
Indiana University Bloomington
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