European Summer School for Scientometrics 2013

Juan Gorraiz juan.gorraiz at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Mon Jun 17 13:41:54 EDT 2013

Dear colleagues,

this is a short note to remind you of this year's European Summer School
for Scientometrics, which will take place at Berlin from 08-13 September.

You can either register for the whole week event or for the 2
conference-only days.

The whole week event is already pretty booked, but 10 seats are still

We are looking forward to seeing you in Berlin.

Best regards,
Christian Gumpenberger

Dr. Christian Gumpenberger, MSc

esss European Summer School for Scientometrics office

Boltzmanngasse 5
A-1090 Wien

Tel.: +43-1-4277-27619
Fax: +43-1-4277-27650
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