ISSI 2013, Vienna - 14th Int. Conf. on Scientometrics and Informetrics: Call for Registration

Hamid R. Darvish darvish at CANKAYA.EDU.TR
Tue Jun 4 05:28:00 EDT 2013

Dear Conference Chairmen,

I was wondering that does conference provide bursary?

-best regards,
Hamid Darvish
> Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
> (Apologies for cross postings)
> The preliminary programme is online!
> ISSI 2013 - 14th International Conference on Scientometrics and
> Informetrics
> July 15-19, 2013, Vienna, Austria
> The Conference Organizing Committee cordially invites you to attend the
> 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference
> 2013 in Vienna, Austria, hosted by the University of Vienna and the AIT
> Austrian Institute of Technology.
> We are looking forward to seeing you in Vienna.
> Best regards,
> Juan Gorraiz & Edgar Schiebel
> Conference Chairs

Cankaya University Ankara, Turkey.
Eskisehir Yolu 29. km. Yeni Kampus, Ankara, Türkiye
Telephone 2331471

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