FW: Invitation to Programme Committee SKIN3 Workshop Budapest Workshop on innovation policy

Andrea Scharnhorst andrea.scharnhorst at DANS.KNAW.NL
Wed Dec 18 20:07:13 EST 2013

Call for papers attached and deadline for abstracts January 6.
Interesting workshop on the use of simulations to better understand, analyze and design innovation policy.

A workshop at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, 22–23 May 2014 Workshop URL: http://cress.soc.surrey.ac.uk/skin/events/third-skin-workshop
This 2-days workshop organised by the EA European Academy of Technology and Innovation Assessment (www.ea-aw.org) as its annual conference with two co-organisers and one local host will bring together two scientific communities to join forces in research on innovation policy modelling. Innovation intersects the concerns of complexity models and social simulation. The intention of the workshop is to explore how complexity models and simulation can be used to improve and inform the innovation policy making process. The workshop will take place at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Hungary), from 22 to 23 May 2014 and is supported by the EGovPoliNet project (http://www.policy-community.eu ).

Warmest regards
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