“Sci2 Tool: A Tool for Science of Science Research and Practice" Tutorial on April 13, 2012 at OECD in Paris, France.

Katy Borner katy at INDIANA.EDU
Thu Mar 15 06:55:19 EDT 2012

Dear all,
several of you expressed interest in attending a “Sci2 Tool: A Tool for 
Science of Science Research and Practice" Tutorial in Europe.  Please 
find below the invitation to join us on April 13, 2012 at OECD in Paris, 
Registration via http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NPLF97Q is mandatory but 
Best regards from Leiden,

*“Sci2 Tool: A Tool for Science of Science Research and Practice" Tutorial


*Instructor:*Dr. Katy Börner, Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information 
Science, Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center 
(http://cns.iu.edu <http://cns.iu.edu/>), SLIS, Indiana University

*Time/Date: *10:30am-12:30pm and 1:30-3:30pm on Friday April 13, 2012**

*Place: *OECD CC Auditorium, OECD, 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 
16, France. www.oecd.org/conferencecentre 

*Format:*Lecture and “hands-on” training. Please bring your laptop.

*Audience:*This tutorial is designed for researchers, practitioners, 
program staff from federal agencies interested to use advanced data 
mining algorithms and visualizations in their daily work. They will use 
the Science of Science (Sci2) tool to run temporal, geospatial, topical, 
and network analysis and visualization workflows designed to increase 
our understanding of science and technology developments.

*Cost: *          Free.  Registration via 
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NPLF97Q required by April 6, 2012. Please 
contact Samantha Hale (sjhale at indiana.edu <mailto:sjhale at indiana.edu>) 
if you do receive a confirmation and tutorial details by April 10, 2012.

*The Science of Science Tool (Sci^2 ) (http://sci2.cns.iu.edu 
<http://sci2.cns.iu.edu/>) was designed for researchers and 
practitioners interested to study and understand the structure and 
dynamics of science. Today, it is used by major federal agencies in the 
U.S. including the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes 
of Health, the US Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic 
and Atmospheric Administration but also by researchers from more than 40 
countries and from many different areas of research.

Sci2 is a standalone desktop application that installs and runs on 
Windows, Linux x86 and Mac OSX and supports:

  * Reading and writing of 20 major file formats (e.g., ISI, Scopus,
    bibtex, nsf, EndNote, CSV, Pajek .net, XGMML, GraphML),
  * Easy access to more than 180 algorithms for the temporal,
    geospatial, topical, and network analysis and visualization of
    scholarly datasets at the micro (individual), meso (local), and
    macro (global) levels, and
  * Professional visualization of analysis results by means of
    large-format charts and maps.

The first hour of the tutorial provides a basic introduction of the 
tool. Remaining time will be spent discussing sample workflows featured 
in the Sci2 Tutorial at (http://sci2.wiki.cns.iu.edu) and new 
functionality such as the Yahoo! geocoder, network clustering and 
backbone identification algorithms, and the analysis and visualization 
of evolving networks.

*Börner, Katy. (2010). /Atlas of Science: Visualizing What We Know./ The 
MIT Press. (http://scimaps.org/atlas)

10:30am Welcome and Overview of Tutorial and Attendees
10:45am Plug-and-Play Macroscopes, OSGi/CIShell Powered Tools
11:00am Sci2 Tool Basics
Download and run the Sci2 Tool
Load, analyze, and visualize family and business networks
Studying four major network science researchers
- Load and clean a dataset; process raw data into networks
- Find basic statistics and run various algorithms over the network
- Visualize the network using different layouts
/12:30pm Lunch Break/
1:30pm Sci2 Tool Novel Functionality
- Yahoo! geocoder
- Evolving collaboration networks
- R-Bridge
3:00pm Outlook and Q&A
/3:30pm Adjourn


*KATY BÖRNER*is the Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science at 
the School of Library and Information Science, Adjunct Professor at the 
School of Informatics and Computing, Adjunct Professor at the Department 
of Statistics in the College of Arts and Sciences, Core Faculty of 
Cognitive Science, Research Affiliate of the Biocomplexity Institute, 
Fellow of the Center for Research on Learning and Technology, Member of 
the Advanced Visualization Laboratory, and Founding Director of the 
Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center (http://cns.iu.edu) at 
Indiana University.She is a curator of the Places & Spaces: Mapping 
Science exhibit (http://scimaps.org). Her research focuses on the 
development of data analysis and visualization techniques for 
information access, understanding, and management. She is particularly 
interested in the study of the structure and evolution of scientific 
disciplines; the analysis and visualization of online activity; and the 
development of cyberinfrastructures for large scale scientific 
collaboration and computation.She is the co-editor of the Springer books 
‘Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries’ (2003) and ‘Modeling Science 
Dynamics’ (2012) and of a special issue of PNAS on ‘Mapping Knowledge 
Domains’ (2004).Her book ‘Atlas of Science: Visualizing What We Know’ by 
MIT Press was published in 2010. She holds a MS in Electrical 
Engineering from the University of Technology in Leipzig, 1991 and a 
Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Kaiserslautern, 1997. 
Her home page is at http://info.slis.indiana.edu/~katy 

Katy Borner
Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science
Director, CI for Network Science Center,http://cns.iu.edu
Curator, Mapping Science exhibit,http://scimaps.org

School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University
Wells Library 021, 1320 E. Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
Phone: (812) 855-3256  Fax: -6166

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