Papers of interest to SIG Metrics users

Eugene Garfield eugene.garfield at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
Thu Jan 26 16:15:56 EST 2012


========================== Start of Data =========================

TITLE:          Citation Analysis of the Contact Lens Field (Article,
AUTHOR:         Efron, N; Brennan, NA; Nichols, JJ
SOURCE:         OPTOMETRY AND VISION SCIENCE 89 (1). JAN 2012. p.70-79

SEARCH TERM(S):  HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569 2005;
                 CITED ARTICLE  abstract; CITATION  item_title;
                 CITATION ANALYS*  item_title; CITATION*  item_title

KEYWORDS:       contact lenses; citation analysis; articles; authors;
                journals; institutions; countries

ABSTRACT:       Purpose. To identify, analyze, and celebrate the most
highly cited articles relating to contact lenses and the leading authors, journals, institutions, and countries associated with these publications.

Methods. To capture all contact lens articles published since 1900, a search equation targeting specific contact lens-related terms in the titles of articles was derived and entered into "Web of Science." A rank order list of the 1000 most highly cited articles was assembled, each having received at least eight citations. The most prominent articles, authors, journals, institutions, and countries were identified from this list by simple counts.

Results. The most highly cited article relating to contact lenses (although cited exclusively in the physical sciences literature) is that of Phillip and Schmidt (J Non Cryst Solids 1984; 63: 288-92), reporting the application of the sol-gel process for the fabrication of rigid contact lenses. Eight of the top 10 articles ranked according to average number of citations/year relate to contact lens-associated microbial keratitis. Of the top eight authors, six have spent all, or a substantial proportion, of their academic careers in Australia and seven have worked in optometric research environments. Optometry and Vision Science is the leading journal. The top-ranked institution is The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. The United States is the most prominent publishing country in the field, and Australia ranks highest when the numbers of highly cited articles are considered per head of population.

Conclusions. This work provides a unique snapshot of significant articles relating to contact lenses. (Optom Vis Sci 2012; 89: 70-79)

AUTHOR ADDRESS: N Efron, Queensland Univ Technol, Inst Hlth & Biomed
                Innovat, 60 Musk Ave, Kelvin Grove, Qld 4059, Australia

TITLE:          How are journal impact, prestige and article influence
                related? An application to neuroscience (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Chang, CL; McAleer, M; Oxley, L
SOURCE:         JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICS 38 (11). 2011. p.2563-2573

SEARCH TERM(S):  HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569 2005;
                 CITED ARTICLE  item_title,keyword,keyword_plus;
                 CITED ARTICLE  abstract; JOURNAL  item_title

KEYWORDS:       impact factor; prestige; immediacy; Eigenfactor; article
                influence; h-index; C3PO; Zinfluence; PI-BETA; STAR; IFI;
                cited article influence

ABSTRACT:       The paper analyzes the leading journals in neurosciences
using quantifiable research assessment measures (RAM), highlights the similarities and differences in alternative RAM, shows that several RAM capture similar performance characteristics of highly cited journals, and shows that some other RAM have low correlations with each other, and hence add significant informational value. Alternative RAM are discussed for the Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Science database (hereafter ISI). The RAM that are calculated annually or updated daily include the classic 2- year impact factor (2YIF), 5-year impact factor, immediacy (or zero-year impact factor), Eigenfactor score, article influence score, C3PO (citation performance per paper online), h-index, Zinfluence, PI-BETA (papers ignored by even the authors), 2-year and historical self-citation threshold approval ratings, impact factor inflation, and cited article influence (CAI). The RAM are analyzed for 26 highly cited journals in the ISI category of neurosciences. The paper finds that the Eigenfactor score and PI-BETA are not highly correlated with the other RAM scores, so that they convey additional information regarding journal rankings, that article influence is highly correlated with some existing RAM, so that it has little informative incremental value, and that CAI has additional informational value to that of article influence. Harmonic mean rankings of the 13 RAM criteria for the 26 highly cited journals are also presented. Emphasizing the 2YIF of a journal to the exclusion of other informative RAM criteria is shown to lead to a distorted evaluation of journal performance and influence, especially given the informative value of several other RAM.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: L Oxley, Univ Canterbury, Dept Econ & Finance, Canterbury,
                New Zealand
TITLE:          Relevance of Library Collections for Graduate Student
                Research: A Citation Analysis Study of Doctoral Dissertations at Notre
                Dame (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Kayongo, J; Helm, C
SOURCE:         COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES 73 (1). JAN 2012. p.47-67

SEARCH TERM(S):  SMITH LC           LIBR TRENDS            30:83    1981;
                 CITATION  item_title; CITATION ANALYS*  item_title;
                 CITATION*  item_title


ABSTRACT:       This study focused on determining the extent to which
collections of the Hesburgh Libraries of Notre Dame met the needs of graduate students. This study data (2005-2007) consisted of a citation analysis of 248 dissertations and focused on the following questions:
What were the graduate students citing in their dissertations? Did the library own the cited items? How did the disciplines compare in their citation patterns? The data showed that over 90 percent of the 39,106 citations were to books and journals. The libraries owned 67 percent of the items graduate students cited in their dissertations. The libraries owned 83 percent of the Arts & Humanities, 90 percent of the Engineering,
92 percent of the Science, and 75 percent of the Social Sciences sources in the top 1,000 most cited titles, indicating a need for funding for further development of Social Sciences collections in the Hesburgh Libraries.



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