Stylized facts.....

Eugene Garfield eugene.garfield at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
Wed Jan 25 12:40:35 EST 2012



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TITLE:          Bibliometrics, Stylized Facts and the Way Ahead: How to
                Build Good Social Simulation Models of Science? (Article, English)
AUTHOR:         Meyer, M
                SIMULATION 14 (4). OCT 2011. p.NIL_17-NIL_23 J A S S S,

SEARCH TERM(S):  MERTON RK          SCIENCE               159:56    1968;

KEYWORDS:       Bibliometrics; Stylized Facts; Methodology; Model
                Comparison; Validation

ABSTRACT:       This paper discusses how stylized facts derived from
bibliometric studies can be used to build social simulation models of science. Based on a list of six stylized facts of science it illustrates how they can be brought into play to consolidate and direct research.
Moreover, it discusses challenges such a stylized facts based approach of modeling science has to solve.

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