Tous, R; Guerrero, M; Delgado, J. 2011. Semantic Web for Reliable Citation Analysis in Scholarly Publishing. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES 30 (1): 24-33

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Fri May 20 13:42:00 EDT 2011

Tous, R; Guerrero, M; Delgado, J. 2011. Semantic Web for Reliable Citation 
Analysis in Scholarly Publishing. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES 30 
(1): 24-33.

Author Full Name(s): Tous, Ruben; Guerrero, Manel; Delgado, Jaime
Language: English
Document Type: Article

Abstract: Analysis of the impact of scholarly artifacts is constrained by current 
unreliable practices in cross-referencing, citation discovering, and citation 
indexing and analysis, which have not kept pace with the technological 
advances that are occurring in several areas like knowledge management and 
security. Because citation analysis has become the primary component in 
scholarly impact factor calculation, and considering the relevance of this metric 
within both the scholarly publishing value chain and (especially important) the 
professional curriculum evaluation of scholarly professionals, we defend that 
current practices need to be revised. This paper describes a reference 
architecture that aims to provide openness and reliability to the citation-
tracking lifecycle. The solution relies on the use of digitally signed semantic 
metadata in the different stages of the scholarly publishing workflow in such a 
manner that authors, publishers, repositories, and citation-analysis systems will 
have access to independent reliable evidences that are resistant to forgery, 
impersonation, and repudiation. As far as we know, this is the first paper to 
combine Semantic Web technologies and public-key cryptography to achieve 
reliable citation analysis in scholarly publishing.

Addresses: [Tous, Ruben; Guerrero, Manel; Delgado, Jaime] Univ Politecn 
Cataluna, Dept Arquitectura Comp, Barcelona, Spain
Reprint Address: Tous, R, Univ Politecn Cataluna, Dept Arquitectura Comp, 
Barcelona, Spain.

E-mail Address: rtous at; guerrero at; 
jaime.delgado at
ISSN: 0730-9295

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