Call for papers:Special Issue of the Scientometrics Journal

G.F.Khan gohar.feroz at GMAIL.COM
Sat Mar 26 23:51:30 EDT 2011

*Call for Papers*

Special Issue of the Scientometrics Journal

Triple Helix and Innovation in Asia:  Putting University, Industry, and
Government (UIG) relations in Context

Guest editors:

*Dr. Gohar Feroz Khan*

International Research Professor

Dept. of Media & Communication, YeungNam University, South Korea

*Dr. Han Woo Park*

Director of Asia Triple-Helix Society

A board member of International Triple-Helix Society

Associate Professor

Department of Media & Communication

YeungNam University

214-1 Dae-dong, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do 712-749

South Korea

hanpark at


There is a burgeoning interest among academic scientists and policy-makers,
in the development of TH (Triple-Helix) and WSI (Webometrics,
Scientometrics, and Informetrics) research methods around the world.
However, the international literature has not systematically examined TH and
WSI approaches in Asian context. Furthermore, previous literature published
in international journals does not adequately address the social forces
shaping TH development in Asia.

In order to investigate the TH or university-industry-government (U-I-G)
relations in Asia, it is essential to consider the idiosyncratic properties
of national innovation system in developing and catch-up countries.
Therefore, on the one hand, we can identify the national variations of U-I-G
relations in this region. On the other hand, the common patterns of U-I-G
relations different from that of developed countries can be explored.
Moreover, as an emerging research technique of science policy and innovation
studies, WSI methods have a huge potential to proliferate massive
quantitative findings. For example, by measuring linkages between main
actors (e.g. universities, industries and government) in national innovation
system, the WSI methods enable us to search the structure of the network
existing in the system in a quantitative way. In this vein, the development
in the WSI methods (e.g. visualization technique and new formula calculating
linkage) is one of the important tasks for the researchers in this field.

However, insight from the existing studies on the U-I-G relations in Asia as
well as research methods such as WSI is not sufficiently shared to boost up
the research on the TH or UIG relations in our region. Therefore, Asian
researchers and policy-makers need to actively discuss and to initiate
research projects addressing this issue together by adopting TH and WSI

Original research papers are invited to be part of this special issue.
Sample topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Triple Helix development and innovation in Asia Triple Helix models in Asia:
drivers, dynamics, public policy Government, industry, and university roles
in Triple Helix interactions in Asia Policies and strategies for Triple
helix relations Relevance of the Triple Helix model for sustainable
development challenges Triple Helix ecosystems and regional development Triple
Helix indicators for measuring Asian knowledge-base Transferability Triple
helix models (from developed to developing country, region, innovation
system, development stage): replication vs. adaptation to local
conditions Enabling
conditions for transfer of TH models: organizational context, financial and
human resources, legal framework, intellectual property regimes, leadership
and vision, culture, economic history, etc.


Paper submission deadline: 30th June, 2011

Review and Acceptance: 30th September, 2011

Anticipated publication: Spring 2012

* *

*Guidelines for paper submission:*

·        Papers submitted to this special issue should relate in some way to
the TH or university-industry-government (U-I-G) relations in Asia.

·        Authors must discuss their results by comparing them to previously
published results in Scientometrics on the topic of their paper (if any).

·        In preparing the manuscript, authors should consult with the
Information for Authors on Scientometrics journal home page which describes
the standard format of papers. Information for Authors is available here:

Inquiries and submissions can be directed to "G.F. Khan"
gohar.feroz at

Thank You
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