Impact Factor of Non-SCI journals

Prabir G. Dastidar prabirgd11 at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jun 15 07:11:17 EDT 2011

Thank you so much, Adam for clearing my doubt.
Thanks once again.



On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Adam Finch <adam.t.finch at> wrote:

> Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
> Hi Prabir,
> One could write a lot in response to your questions, so I'll try to keep it
> brief.
> 1) I know of no websites that store the IFs of non-Science Citation Index
> journals, other than the Social Science Citation Index journals that appear
> on ISI's Journal Citation Report. However, Web of Science actually stores
> all the citations from journals it indexes to any cited material. This means
> you can construct a 'pseudo' Impact Factor. Because the non-SCI journal
> won't be indexed, that pseudo Impact Factor will of course be missing self
> citations, but you can trawl the journal's articles and put them back in if
> you like. You can search for citations to any journal, including non-SCI
> titles, in the Cited Reference Search area of Web of Science. Bear in mind
> ISI will have abbreviated the titles, so you'll have to construct your seach
> string carefully - see instructions on the site for more information.
> 2) The SJR is quite different to the Impact Factor in that it has a three
> year rather than two year target window, ignores self citations and is, of
> course, based on the Scopus dataset rather than the ISI one. More
> importantly still, citations in the SJR are weighted according to the impact
> of the citing journal. Can it give an indication of impact? Certainly. Is it
> as useful as the Impact Factor? That's very much open to debate. Personally
> I've had some issues with Scopus data quality but that may just be me, and
> fewer people are aware of/prioritise the SJR. Also, without the ability to
> deconstruct the SJR, we have no way of being sure it includes all relevant
> citations.
> 3) Yes, as long as you don't try to compare one journal's IF with another
> journal's SJR - they are very different metrics indeed and can't be placed
> alongside one another meaningfully. If you intend to use a metric to publise
> a journal, however, the IF is probably more useful because more people know
> about it. Even Elsevier, as far as I know, don't often put the SJR of a
> title on their journal homepages. Of course, a lot of stakeholders will only
> take notice of an Impact Factor if it has been calculated by ISI themselves.
> Hope this helps.
> Best,
> Adam
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Prabir G. Dastidar <prabirgd11 at>wrote:
>> Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
>> Dear All,
>> 1. Can you please suggest some websites to get the impact factors of
>> Non-SCI journals? If there is any.
>> 2. SCIMago gives journal rankings; to what extent it can be used to
>> understand impact of a journal?
>> 2.1 Can it be used in place of IF of JCR?
>> I will be grateful for your suggestion.
>> Kind regards,
>> Prabir
>> --
>> ..................................................
>> Dr.P.G.Dastidar
>> Scientist
>> Ministry of Earth sciences,
>> Mahasagar Bhawan,Block # 9 & 12,
>> CGO Complex, Lodi Road,
>> New Delhi- 110003
>> E-mail: prabirgd11 at
>> prabirgd11 at
>> *Telephone:* 91-11-24366130(O),
>> 0120-2481046 (R)
>> *FAX:* 011-24366130
>> *Mobile:* 91-9868543999

Ministry of Earth sciences,
Mahasagar Bhawan,Block # 9 & 12,
CGO Complex, Lodi Road,
New Delhi- 110003

E-mail: prabirgd11 at
prabirgd11 at
*Telephone:* 91-11-24366130(O),
0120-2481046 (R)
*FAX:* 011-24366130
*Mobile:* 91-9868543999
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