Impact Factor of Non-SCI journals

Virginie Lelievre virginie.lelievre at AVIGNON.INRA.FR
Wed Jun 15 05:54:16 EDT 2011

Another piece of information...
Apart form the SJR, Scimago gives severals indicators. If you look at 
the definitions, the "Cites per Documents (2 years)" of Scimago seems to 
correspond to the "Impact Factor" of Thomson :

    * Help on Scimago : "/Cites per Documents (2 years): Average
      citations per document in a 2 year period. It is computed
      considering the number of citations received by a journal in the
      current year to the documents published in the two previous years,
      --i.e. citations received in year X to documents published in
      years X-1 and X-2."/
    * Help on JCR : "/The journal Impact Factor is the average number of
      times articles from the journal published in the past two years
      have been cited in the JCR year./"

I hope it will be useful...


Le 15/06/2011 11:10, Adam Finch a écrit :
> Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe): 
> Hi Prabir,
> One could write a lot in response to your questions, so I'll try to 
> keep it brief.
> 1) I know of no websites that store the IFs of non-Science Citation 
> Index journals, other than the Social Science Citation Index journals 
> that appear on ISI's Journal Citation Report. However, Web of Science 
> actually stores all the citations from journals it indexes to any 
> cited material. This means you can construct a 'pseudo' Impact Factor. 
> Because the non-SCI journal won't be indexed, that pseudo Impact 
> Factor will of course be missing self citations, but you can trawl the 
> journal's articles and put them back in if you like. You can search 
> for citations to any journal, including non-SCI titles, in the Cited 
> Reference Search area of Web of Science. Bear in mind ISI will have 
> abbreviated the titles, so you'll have to construct your seach string 
> carefully - see instructions on the site for more information.
> 2) The SJR is quite different to the Impact Factor in that it has a 
> three year rather than two year target window, ignores self citations 
> and is, of course, based on the Scopus dataset rather than the ISI 
> one. More importantly still, citations in the SJR are weighted 
> according to the impact of the citing journal. Can it give an 
> indication of impact? Certainly. Is it as useful as the Impact Factor? 
> That's very much open to debate. Personally I've had some issues with 
> Scopus data quality but that may just be me, and fewer people are 
> aware of/prioritise the SJR. Also, without the ability to deconstruct 
> the SJR, we have no way of being sure it includes all relevant citations.
> 3) Yes, as long as you don't try to compare one journal's IF with 
> another journal's SJR - they are very different metrics indeed and 
> can't be placed alongside one another meaningfully. If you intend to 
> use a metric to publise a journal, however, the IF is probably more 
> useful because more people know about it. Even Elsevier, as far as I 
> know, don't often put the SJR of a title on their journal homepages. 
> Of course, a lot of stakeholders will only take notice of an Impact 
> Factor if it has been calculated by ISI themselves.
> Hope this helps.
> Best,
> Adam
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Prabir G. Dastidar 
> <prabirgd11 at <mailto:prabirgd11 at>> wrote:
>     Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
>     <> Dear All,
>     1. Can you please suggest some websites to get the impact factors of
>     Non-SCI journals? If there is any.
>     2. SCIMago gives journal rankings; to what extent it can be used to
>     understand impact of a journal?
>     2.1 Can it be used in place of IF of JCR?
>     I will be grateful for your suggestion.
>     Kind regards,
>     Prabir
>     -- 
>     ..................................................
>     Dr.P.G.Dastidar
>     Scientist
>     Ministry of Earth sciences,
>     Mahasagar Bhawan,Block # 9 & 12,
>     CGO Complex, Lodi Road,
>     New Delhi- 110003
>     INDIA.
>     E-mail: prabirgd11 at <mailto:prabirgd11 at>
>     prabirgd11 at <mailto:prabirgd11 at>
>     *Telephone:* 91-11-24366130(O),
>     0120-2481046 (R)
>     *FAX:* 011-24366130
>     *Mobile:* 91-9868543999
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