Yan, D; Dong, M; Bouras, A; Yu, SR. 2011. Poor-rich demarcation of Matthew effect on scale-free systems and its application. CHINESE PHYSICS B 20 (4): art. no.-040205
Eugene Garfield
Fri Jun 10 18:47:58 EDT 2011
Yan, D; Dong, M; Bouras, A; Yu, SR. 2011. Poor-rich demarcation of Matthew
effect on scale-free systems and its application. CHINESE PHYSICS B 20 (4):
art. no.-040205.
Author Full Name(s): Yan Dong; Dong Ming; Bouras, Abdelaziz; Yu Sui-Ran
Language: English
Document Type: Article
Author Keywords: Matthew effect; scale-free networks; poor rich demarcation;
project management
Abstract: In a scale-free network, only a minority of nodes are connected very
often, while the majority of nodes are connected rarely. However, what is the
ratio of minority nodes to majority nodes resulting from the Matthew effect? In
this paper, based on a simple preferential random model, the poor rich
demarcation points are found to vary in a limited range, and form a poor rich
demarcation interval that approximates to k/m is an element of [3, 4]. As a
result, the (cumulative) degree distribution of a scale-free network can be
divided into three intervals: the poor interval, the demarcation interval and the
rich interval. The inequality of the degree distribution in each interval is
measured. Finally, the Matthew effect is applied to the ABC analysis of project
Addresses: [Yan Dong; Yu Sui-Ran] Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Mech Engn,
Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China; [Dong Ming] Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Coll
Econ & Management, Shanghai 200052, Peoples R China; [Bouras, Abdelaziz]
Univ Lyon 2, IUT Lumiere Technol Inst, F-69007 Lyon, France
Reprint Address: Yan, D, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Mech Engn, Shanghai
200240, Peoples R China.
E-mail Address: yd_email at yahoo.com.cn
ISSN: 1009-1963
DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/20/4/040205
fulltext: http://iopscience.iop.org/1674-1056/20/4/040205
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