Publications and citations by country (time series)

Carlos Benito Amat cbenito at INGENIO.UPV.ES
Tue Jan 25 05:44:26 EST 2011

We are working with all the papers (articles, reviews and letters)
published by Spanish researchers in the last 20 years (1990-2009).
Obviously our source is Web of Science.
In addition to the papers and their references we also have collected
their citation frequency year by year.
All this data is stored in Acess tables
Is this set interesting to you? If so, please contact us.

El 24/01/11 18:25, "Philip Davis" <pmd8 at CORNELL.EDU> escribió:

>Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
>I'm looking for a dataset that includes country-level data for number of
>publications and citations (i.e. reference length) for at least 10 years.
>The purpose of my request is to confirm a trend that I'm detecting in
>publications from authors located in sub-Saharan Africa.  If anyone is
>willing to share (or point me to a source), I'd be very appreciative.
>Thank you,
>Phil Davis
>Philip M. Davis, Ph.D.
>Department of Communication
>301 Kennedy Hall
>Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
>email: pmd8 at
>phone: 607 255-2124

Dr. Carlos Benito Amat
Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación, edificio 8E
Campus de Vera
46022 Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: 34 96 387 70 07 ext 78489


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