How many journals do Web of Science and Scopus really cover?

Loet Leydesdorff loet at LEYDESDORFF.NET
Wed Feb 23 04:52:16 EST 2011

Thank you so much, Wim.


Ø  As for the Arts & Humanities content in Scopus, there are just over 1,600
core A&H titles in Scopus. You can search for A&H records in Scopus by using
SUBJTERMS(XXXX) in Advances Search, where XXXX are the ASJC subject
classification codes 1200 – 1213 (these can be found in the Scopus title
list). There are in total over 2 million A&H records in Scopus.


If I follow this instruction, I obtain not 2 million, but 870,007 records
using Advanced Search in Scopus. Of these, 43,918 in 2010. This is exactly
the number which I reported earlier today. 


Can you, please, clarify further? (1) What causes the difference between > 2
million and < 1 million? (2) Why is the coverage of the A&H larger in the
WoS despite the much lower number of active journals?


Best wishes, 



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