How many journals do Web of Science and Scopus really cover?

Geoffrey Peters geoffreypeters6 at GMAIL.COM
Tue Feb 22 16:47:21 EST 2011

I've noticed different numbers being bandied about for these two platforms.


This suggests 18,000 titles including 17,000 peer reviewed ones (as at July

>From their title list (a handy excel file)
This lists just under 30,000 titles (as at October 2010), of which around
27,500 are journals, of which only 18,000 of these are designated as active.
How is active defined?

Web of Science*

this suggests >10,000 titles plus 110,000's of proceedings issues

But their 'Master Journal List', see:
gives a rather precise value of 16,512

How many of these 16,512 are 'active' titles, and how many are from other
ISI products other than Web of Science?

On the face of it, with Scopus covering around 18,000 titles, and Web of
Science 16,500  they looked to be about the same size, at least in current
content. Is this a fair assumption?


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