Raghuram, S; Tuertscher, P; Garud, R. 2010. Mapping the Field of Virtual Work: A Cocitation Analysis. INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH 21 (4): 983-999

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Mon Feb 7 15:35:12 EST 2011

Raghuram, S; Tuertscher, P; Garud, R. 2010. Mapping the Field of Virtual Work: 
A Cocitation Analysis. INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH 21 (4): 983-999.

Author Full Name(s): Raghuram, Sumita; Tuertscher, Philipp; Garud, Raghu
Language: English
Document Type: Article

Author Keywords: virtual work; virtual teams; bibliometric analysis

Abstract: Interest in the area of virtual work continues to increase with articles 
being written from different disciplinary perspectives-e. g., information systems 
(IS), management, psychology, and transportation. In this paper, we map 
research on virtual work to (a) understand the intellectual base from which this 
field has emerged, (b) explore how this field has evolved over time, and (c) 
identify clusters of research themes that have emerged over time and the 
relationships between them. Specifically, we use cocitation analysis of research 
published in all social science disciplines to map the field at three points in 
time-1995, 2000, and 2006. Our results show that the field has grown from 9 
research clusters in 1995 to 16 in 2006. A comparison across these maps 
suggests that research in the cluster of "virtual teams" has gained significance 
even as research in some earlier clusters such as "urban planning and 
transportation" has lost ground. Our longitudinal analysis identifies relevant 
concepts, theories, and methodologies that have emerged in the field of virtual 
work. This analysis can help interested researchers identify how they may want 
to contribute to the field of virtual work-by adding to popular clusters, by 
enriching emerging smaller clusters, or by acting as bridges across clusters.

Addresses: [Raghuram, Sumita] Penn State Univ, Dept Labor Studies & 
Employment Relat, University Pk, PA 16802 USA; [Tuertscher, Philipp] Vienna 
Univ Econ & Business, Inst Entrepreneurship & Innovat, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; 
[Garud, Raghu] Penn State Univ, Smeal Coll Business, University Pk, PA 16802 

Reprint Address: Raghuram, S, Penn State Univ, Dept Labor Studies & 
Employment Relat, University Pk, PA 16802 USA.

E-mail Address: raghuram at psu.edu; philipp.tuertscher at wu-wien.ac.at; 
rgarud at psu.edu
ISSN: 1047-7047
DOI: 10.1287/isre.1080.0227
fulltext: http://isr.journal.informs.org/cgi/content/abstract/21/4/983

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