CFP: Special collection on alternative metrics

Jason Priem priem at EMAIL.UNC.EDU
Wed Dec 7 23:41:10 EST 2011

The huge increase in scientific output is presenting scholars with a 
deluge of data. There is growing concern that scholarly output may be 
swamping traditional mechanisms for both pre-publication filtering (e.g. 
peer review) and post-publication impact filtering (e.g. the Journal 
Impact Factor).

Increasing scholarly use of Web 2.0 tools like CiteULike, Mendeley, 
Twitter, and blogs presents an opportunity to create new filters. 
Metrics based on a diverse set of social sources could yield broader, 
richer, and timelier assessments of current and potential scholarly 
impact. Realizing this, many authors have begun to call for 
investigation of these metrics under the banner of “altmetrics.” 
Specifically, altmetrics is the creation and study of new metrics based 
on the Social Web for analyzing and informing scholarship.

Despite the growing speculation and early exploratory investigation into 
the value of altmetrics, there remains little concrete, objective 
research into the properties of these metrics: their validity, their 
potential value and flaws, and their relationship to established 
measures. Nor has there been any large umbrella to bring these multiple 
approaches together.

Following on from a first successful workshop onaltmetrics 
<>, this collection aims to provide a 
forum for the dissemination of innovative research on these metrics.

We seek high quality submissions that advance the understanding of the 
efficacy of altmetrics, addressing research areas including:

    * Validated new metrics based on social media.

    * Tracking science communication on the Web.

    * Relation between traditional metrics and altmetrics including
      validation and correlation.

    * The relationship between peer review and altmetrics.

    * Evaluated tools for gathering, analyzing, or disseminating altmetrics.

Papers will be reviewed on a rolling basis in-line with PLoS ONE 
standard practices.

Please note that all submissions submitted before January 28^th , 2012 
will be considered for the launch of the collection (expected spring 
2012); submissions after this date will still be considered for the 
collection, but may not appear in the collection at launch.

      Submission Guidelines

If you wish to submit your research to the Altmetrics: Tracking 
scholarly impact on the social Web Collection, please consider the 
following when preparing your manuscript:

- All articles must adhere to the PLoS ONEsubmission guidelines 

- Standard PLoS ONEpolicies 
<>andpublication fees 
<>apply to all 

- Submission to PLoS ONE as part of the Altmetrics Collection does not 
guarantee publication.

When you are ready to submit your manuscript to the collection, please 
log in to thePLoS ONE manuscript submission system 
<>and insert ‘Altmetrics’ in the 
relevant field to ensure the PLoS ONE staff are aware of your submission 
to the Collection. Once you have registered, you can follow the steps 
for manuscript submission.

Please contact Lindsay King (lking at <mailto:lking at>) if 
you would like further information about how to submit your research to 
the PLoS ONE Altmetrics Collection.


Paul Groth,/VU University Amsterdam/

Dario Taraborelli,/Wikimedia Foundation/

Jason Priem,/UNC-Chapel Hill/


      About PLoS ONE

PLoS ONE <>(eISSN-1932-6203) is an international, 
peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication. PLoS ONE welcomes 
reports on primary research from any scientific discipline.

Jason Priem
UNC Royster Fellow
School of  Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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