Web of Scieince search alert for impact factors,etc.
Eugene Garfield
eugene.garfield at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
Wed Aug 31 15:14:19 EDT 2011
All articles listed are in English
*Record 1 of 8. Search terms matched: IMPACT FACTOR(1); RESEARCH(1) *View Full Record: http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=Alerting&SrcApp=Alerting&DestApp=WOS&DestLinkType=FullRecord;UT=WOS:000293907600007
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What are the major impact factors on *research* performance of young doctorate holders in science in China: a USTC survey
Gu, JB; Lin, Y; Vogel, D; Tian, W
Author Full Names:
Gu, Jibao; Lin, Yu; Vogel, Doug; Tian, Wen
HIGHER EDUCATION 62 (4): 483-502 10.1007/s10734-010-9400-0 OCT 2011
Author Keywords:
Doctoral graduate; Research performance; Individual factor; Advisor; Learning performance
KeyWords Plus:
Doctoral graduate research performance (DRP) is recognized as one of the most critical indices for evaluation of the success of doctoral education. Doctoral graduates with high research performance directly reflect a higher ability in academic research and academic achievement. Consequently, identifying which factors influence DRP is potentially of great value. This topic is also challenging because of difficulties in identifying the impact factors on research performance and the feasibility of the relative data collection. This paper first examines the relationships between the indicators and DRP. After a review of previous literature, the focus is on the doctoral graduates' individual factors, advisor factors and learning performance. Data is collected from graduated doctors from the Science Schools of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Contrary to expectations, our findings indicate that, based on the Chinese context, learning performance does not appea!
r to be strongly associated with research performance. Individual factors (status of academic origin) do have significant effect on DRP. The advisor factors (including academic status, academic experience and allocation of energy) show a relatively strong association with DRP, in terms of both the number of publications and the *impact factor* of Science Citation Index (SCI) cited journals.
Reprint Address:
Lin, Y (reprint author), Univ Sci & Technol China, Hefei 230026, Peoples R China Univ Sci & Technol China, Hefei 230026, Peoples R ChinaCity Univ Hong Kong, Dept Informat Syst, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R ChinaUSTC CityU Joint Adv Res Ctr, Suzhou, Peoples R China E-mail Address:
yulin at mail.ustc.edu.cn
Cited Reference Count:
Cited References
Long RG, 1998, V41, P704
BLACKBURN RT, 1978, V51, P132
ROYALTY GM, 1985, V32, P458
VENTRISS C, 1995, V1, P142
GELSO CJ, 1979, V8, P7
LINDSEY D, 1989, V15, P189
BRAXTON JM, 1986, V61, P101
Fox MF, 2007, V78, P542
Jones AW, 2003, V133, P1
Prpic K, 2000, V49, P453
Dundar H, 1998, V39, P607
BAYER AE, 1977, V48, P259
Xie Y, 1998, V63, P847
WALLMARK JT, 1986, V33, P218
DIAMOND AM, 1986, V21, P200
FOSU AK, 2006, V33, P45
STACK S, 2004, V35, P285
KONRAD AM, 1990, V35, P258
HOGAN TD, 1981, V16, P400
FERRIS JM, 1988, V18, P309
Zhou DN, 2001, V48, P479
BUCHHEIT S, 2001, V17, P17
OGBOGU CO, 2009, V31, P17
Meho LI, 2000, V51, P123
BAIRD LL, 1991, V32, P303
ROBERTS K, 1997, V14, P3
Fox MF, 1999, V869, P89
SHIM S, 1998, V16, P134
ASTIN HS, 1985,
HEATH T, 2002, V21, P41
GRANT B, 1994, P165
MANIS JG, 1951, V29, P267
MOED H, 1985, V9, P185
LABAND DN, 1994, V32, P640
LONG JS, 2001,
Anseel F, 2004, V59, P49
WANNER RA, 1981, V54, P238
DENICOLO P, 1994, P120
Neuberger J, 2002, V14, P209
BROWN LD, 1994, V11, P223
HALL BH, 2007, V16, P159
REINSTEIN A, 1997, V15, P425
BREWER GA, 1999, V5, P309
Tien FF, 1996, V67, P2
ASTIN HS, 1969,
ASTIN HS, 1978, P133
Carter CR, 2002, V42, P39
GRIGG L, 1989,
CHEN CC, 2008, V39, P274
HAMOVITCH W, 1977, V48, P633
WHITELY W, 1991, V34, P331
MILBURN LS, 2003, V22, P54
HILL T, 1994, P53
WOOD F, 1990, V19, P81
Theoharakis V, 2002, V13, P389
Canibano C, 2008, V17, P17
CHOW CW, 1998, V16, P463
HARTLEY JE, 2001, V45, P80
YOAKUM JC, 1993,
COLE J, 1991,
*Record 2 of 8. Search terms matched: IMPACT FACTOR(2); INDEX(1) *View Full Record: http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=Alerting&SrcApp=Alerting&DestApp=WOS&DestLinkType=FullRecord;UT=WOS:000293910400010
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Bibliometric analysis of anaesthesia journal editorial board members: correlation between journal *impact factor* and the median h-*index* of its board members
Pagel, PS; Hudetz, JA
Author Full Names:
Pagel, P. S.; Hudetz, J. A.
BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA 107 (3): 357-361 10.1093/bja/aer191 SEP 2011
Author Keywords:
academic anaesthesia; bibliometrics; h-index; impact factor; performance measures
KeyWords Plus:
Background. h-index is useful for quantifying scholarly activity in medicine, but this statistic has not been extensively applied as a measure of productivity in anaesthesia. We conducted a bibliometric analysis of h-index in editorial board members and tested the hypothesis that editorial board members of anaesthesia journals with higher impact factors (IFs) have higher h-indices.
Methods. Ten of 19 journals with 2009 IF>1 were randomly chosen from Journal Citation Reports (R). Board members were identified using each journal's website. Publications, citations, citations per publication, and h-index for each member were obtained using Scopus (R).
Results. Four hundred and twenty-three individuals filled 481 anaesthesia editorial board positions. The median h-index of all editorial board members was 14. Board members published 75 papers (median) with 1006 citations and 13 citations per publication. Members serving on journals with IF greater than median had significantly (P<0.05; Wilcoxon's rank-sum test) greater median h-index, citations, and citations per publication than those at journals with IF less than median. A significant correlation between the median h-index of a journal's editorial board members and its IF (h-index 3.01xIF+6.85; r(2)=0.452; P=0.033) was observed for the 10 journals examined. Board members of subspeciality-specific journals had bibliometric indices that were less than those at general journals. The h-index was greater in individuals serving more than one journal. European editorial board members had higher h-index values than their American colleagues.
Conclusions. The results suggest that editorial board members of anaesthesia journals with higher IFs have higher h-indices.
Reprint Address:
Pagel, PS (reprint author), Clement J Zablocki Vet Affairs Med Ctr, Anesthesia Serv, 5000 W Natl Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53295 USA Clement J Zablocki Vet Affairs Med Ctr, Anesthesia Serv, Milwaukee, WI 53295 USA E-mail Address:
pspagel at mcw.edu
Cited Reference Count:
Times Cited:
Cited References
SIMONS K, 2008, V322, P191
Patsopoulos NA, 2005, V293, P2362
Falagas ME, 2006, V20, P1039
Mishra DC, 2008, V451, P244
Fassoulaki A, 2001, V48, P953
Engqvist L, 2008, V23, P250
Rad AE, 2010, V17, P817
Spearman CM, 2010, V113, P929
FULLER CD, 2009, V6, P112
Benway BM, 2009, V74, P30
SEGLEN PO, 1997, V314, P497
Fassoulaki A, 2002, V46, P902
Thompson DF, 2009, V73,
Lee J, 2009, V111, P387
2005, V435, P1003
Kelly CD, 2006, V21, P167
Jeang KT, 2007, V4,
van Haselen R, 2007, V15, P225
Sypsa V, 2009, V9,
Wendl MC, 2007, V449, P403
Hirsch JE, 2005, V102, P16569
O'Leary JD, 2010, V57, P573
Castillo M, 2010, V31, P783
Fassoulaki A, 2000, V84, P266
Kulkarni AV, 2009, V302, P1092
Dodson MV, 2009, V387, P625
Hirsch JE, 2007, V104, P19193
*Record 3 of 8. Search terms matched: IMPACT FACTOR(3); RESEARCH(1); SCIENTIFIC(1) *View Full Record: http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=Alerting&SrcApp=Alerting&DestApp=WOS&DestLinkType=FullRecord;UT=WOS:000293910900012
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Bio-medicolegal *scientific* *research* in Europe. A country-based analysis
Viel, G; Boscolo-Berto, R; Cecchi, R; Bajanowski, T; Vieira, ND; Ferrara, SD
Author Full Names:
Viel, Guido; Boscolo-Berto, Rafael; Cecchi, Rossana; Bajanowski, Thomas; Vieira, Nuno Duarte; Ferrara, Santo Davide
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE 125 (5): 717-725 10.1007/s00414-011-0576-3 SEP 2011
Author Keywords:
Bio-medicolegal sciences; Forensic medicine; Scientific research; Europe; Biliometry; Impact factor
KeyWords Plus:
The European mosaic of socio-cultural, economic and legal realities is reflected in forensic and legal medicine, in which a great variety of operational modes of forensic medical services, organisational systems, structures, functional competences and scientific research strategies can be observed. The present work analyses the European bio-medicolegal scientific output of the last 5.5 years (exact time window, January 1, 2005-June 1, 2010), categorising papers by nationality of the corresponding author and forensic sub-discipline in question, in order to identify the peculiarities of national sub-specialised competences and to build up international research projects. This country-based bibliometric analysis, based on the number of articles and the *impact factor* produced by each European country, also considering its economic profile (gross domestic product and per capita gross domestic product), highlights the prevailing productive role of Western and Southern Europe (Ge!
rmany, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Spain and France). Categorising scientific output by forensic sub-discipline and branch, significant in terms of *impact factor* are contributions from Germany (coming first in Pathology, Toxicology, Genetics, Anthropology and Biological Criminalistics), Great Britain (first in Clinical Forensic Medicine, Malpractice and Invalidity-Social Insurance), Switzerland (first in Criminology), Italy (second in Toxicology, Anthropology and Invalidity-Social Insurance), The Netherlands (third in Clinical Forensic Medicine and Medical Law and Ethics), Spain (third in Genetics, Criminalistics and Invalidity-Social Insurance) and France (third in Toxicology and Malpractice). Interestingly, several countries with low gross domestic product, such as Poland, Turkey and other Eastern European nations, show notable scientific production in specific sub-disciplines such as Pathology, Toxicology and Forensic Genetics, suggesting that fruitful internati!
onal cooperation could be planned and be of interest to fundin!
g source
s within the European Community, also taking into account funds reserved for depressed areas undergoing development.
Reprint Address:
Ferrara, SD (reprint author), Univ Hosp Padova, Inst Legal Med, Dept Environm Med & Publ Hlth, Via Falloppio 50, I-35121 Padua, Italy Univ Hosp Padova, Inst Legal Med, Dept Environm Med & Publ Hlth, I-35121 Padua, ItalyUniv Roma La Sapienza, Dept Legal Med, I-00161 Rome, ItalyUniv Hosp Essen, Inst Legal Med, D-45122 Essen, GermanyNatl Inst Legal Med, Ctr Branch, IP, P-3030213 Coimbra, Portugal E-mail Address:
santodavide.ferrara at unipd.it
Cited Reference Count:
Cited References
Ferrara S, 2010, V124, P343
MADEA B, 2008,
Jones AW, 2005, V45, P175
Pylkkanen K, 1997, V247, PS11
Brinkmann B, 1999, V113, P1
*INT MON FUND, 2010,
Pollak S, 2004, V144, P269
Jones AW, 2005, V119, P59
Ferrara SD, 2011, V125, P393
BARNI M, 1999, V643, P21
BRINKMANN B, 1994, V107, P57
Ferrara S, 2010, V124, P345
Jones AW, 2003, V133, P1
Madea B, 2007, V165, P87
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Trends in Surgical Oncology *Research* in Australia During the Period 1998-2009-A Bibliometric Review
Chua, TC; Crowe, PJ; Morris, DL
Author Full Names:
Chua, Terence C.; Crowe, Philip J.; Morris, David L.
JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY 104 (2): 216-219 10.1002/jso.21942 AUG 1 2011
Author Keywords:
surgical oncology; research; translational; cancer; general surgery
KeyWords Plus:
Objective: To evaluate the distribution and scope of surgical research in Australia relating to malignant diseases in the field of surgery.
Method: Surgical publications relating to adult malignant diseases originating from Australia were identified from a systematic literature examination using PubMed during a 12-year period between 1998 and 2009. The origin of the article, journal *impact factor* (IF), type of research and its subspecialty discipline were recorded.
Results: Over a 12-year period, 1,132 papers were published in various journals at a median annual rate of 98 papers. Four hundred eighty-five (43%) papers arose from institutions in New South Wales, 225 (20%) papers from Victoria, 150 (13%) papers from South Australia, 106 (9%) papers from Western Australia, and 77 (7%) papers from Queensland. The mean IF was 3.22 (SD = 2.5). Papers were most commonly published in journals including the ANZ Journal of Surgery (n = 237, 21%), Annals of Surgical Oncology (n = 50, 4%), British Journal of Surgery (n = 38, 3%), and Diseases of the Colon and Rectum (n = 36, 3%). The mean IF of papers published per year ranged from 2.55 to 3.87. The most number of papers were published in the fields of urological oncology (n = 103, 9%), hepatopancreaticobiliary oncology (n = 144, 13%), breast oncology (n = 174, 15%), and colorectal oncology (n = 222, 20%).
Conclusion: Bibliometric findings of this review suggest that there is a growth in high scientific research publications in the field of surgical oncology in Australia, indicating an interest in this discipline. This research trend may impact on the national research strategy for clinical cancer control. J. Surg. Oncol. 2011;104:216-219. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Reprint Address:
Chua, TC (reprint author), St George Hosp, UNSW Dept Surg, Sydney, NSW 2217, Australia St George Hosp, UNSW Dept Surg, Hepatobiliary & Surg Oncol Unit, Kogarah, NSW 2217, AustraliaUniv New S Wales, Prince Wales Hosp, Dept Surg, Breast Endocrine & Surg Oncol Unit, Randwick, NSW 2031, Australia E-mail Address:
terence.chua at unsw.edu.au
Cited References
Adam R, 2009, V27, P1829
Nordlinger B, 2008, V371, P1007
Michelassi F, 2010, V17, P3094
Richardson JD, 2000, V135, P1369
Collins JP, 2010, V80, P13
Mendis K, 2006, V185, P155
Clay MA, 2006, V185, P209
MCLEAN R, 2007, V7, P767
de Jong MC, 2009, V13, P2141
Adam R, 2008, V26, P3672
Nicol MB, 2007, V187, P348
LOHR J, 2006, V63, P426
van Rossum M, 2007, V94, P244
Mayo SC, 2010, V17, P3129
CLUNIE GJA, 1986, V56, P885
McCord JH, 2009, V155, P136
Brooke BS, 2009, V249, P162
Yan TD, 2009, V27, P6237
MORTON DL, 2006,
Gleisner AL, 2008, V143, P1204
Horton R, 1996, V347, P984
Glehen O, 2010, V116, P5608
Davis M, 2003, V31, P286
MENDIS K, 2007, V15, P17
STEPHENS FO, 1992, V62, P691
Memon B, 2010, V15, P749
HUGHES KS, 1988, V31, P1
*Record 5 of 8. Search terms matched: SCIENTIFIC(1) *View Full Record: http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=Alerting&SrcApp=Alerting&DestApp=WOS&DestLinkType=FullRecord;UT=WOS:000293780700002
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On the dynamics of national *scientific* systems
Kronegger, L; Ferligoj, A; Doreian, P
Author Full Names:
Kronegger, Luka; Ferligoj, Anuska; Doreian, Patrick
QUALITY & QUANTITY 45 (5): 989-1015 10.1007/s11135-011-9484-3 AUG 2011
Author Keywords:
Scientific collaboration; Coauthorship network; Bibliometry; Longitudinal network analysis; Blockmodeling; Core-periphery structure; Mathematics; Physics; Biotechnology; Sociology
KeyWords Plus:
Coauthorship links actors at the micro-level of scientists. Through electronic databases we now have enough information to compare entire research disciplines over time. We compare the complete longitudinal coauthorship networks for four research disciplines (biotechnology, mathematics, physics and sociology) for 1986-2005. We examined complete bibliographies of all researchers registered at the national Slovene Research Agency. Known hypotheses were confirmed as were three new hypotheses. There were different coauthoring cultures. However, these cultures changed over time in Slovenia. The number of coauthored publications grew much faster than solo authored productions, especially after independence in 1991 and the integration of Slovenian science into broader EU systems. Trajectories of types of coauthorship differed across the disciplines. Using blockmodeling, we show how coauthorship structures change in all disciplines. The most frequent form was a core-periphery struct!
ure with multiple simple cores, a periphery and a semi-periphery. The next most frequent form had this structure but with bridging cores. Bridging cores consolidate the center of a discipline by giving it greater coherence. These consolidated structures appeared at different times in different disciplines, appearing earliest in physics and latest in biotechnology. In 2005, biotechnology had the most consolidated center followed by physics and sociology. All coauthorship networks expanded over time. By far, new recruits went into either the semi-periphery or the periphery in all fields. Two 'lab' fields, biotechnology and physics, have larger semi-peripheries than peripheries. The reverse holds for mathematics and sociology, two 'office' disciplines. Institutional affiliations and shared interests all impact the structure of collaboration in subtle ways.
Reprint Address:
Kronegger, L (reprint author), Univ Ljubljana, Fac Social Sci, Kardeljeva Ploscad 5, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia Univ Ljubljana, Fac Social Sci, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia Univ Pittsburgh, Dept Sociol, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA
E-mail Address:
luka.kronegger at fdv.uni-lj.si, anuska.ferligoj at fdv.uni-lj.si, pitpat at pitt.edu
Cited Reference Count:
Cited References
Kretschmer H, 1999, V46, P501
GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108
DOREIAN P, 2005,
FERLIGOJ A, 2010, P434
KUHN T, 1962,
Wagner CS, 2005, V34, P1608
Kretschmer H, 2006, V15, P117
FERLIGOJ A, 2009, V6, P135
Kretschmer H, 1997, V40, P579
ERJAVEC T, 2005, P32
DENOOY W, 2005,
Ziberna A, 2007, V29, P105
Barabasi AL, 2002, V311, P590
Moody J, 2004, V69, P213
BATAGELJ V, 2003, P77
Kundra R, 1999, V46, P519
CRANE D, 1972,
Corley EA, 2006, V35, P975
Laudel G, 2001, V22, P762
PRICE DJD, 1963,
PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510
YASUHIRO Y, 2006, V68, P303
Perianes-Rodriguez A, 2010, V82, P307
Gomez I, 1999, V44, P441
Newman MEJ, 2004, V101, P5200
Lambiotte R, 2009, V3, P180
Barabasi AL, 1999, V272, P173
Hicks DM, 1996, V21, P379
*Record 6 of 8. Search terms matched: IMPACT FACTOR(13); IMPACT-FACTOR(1); TO(1)
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The Evolution of Academic Performance in Emergency Medicine Journals: Viewpoint from 2000 *to* 2009 Journal Citation Reports
Lee, CH; Shih, CP; Chang, YC; Chaou, CH
Author Full Names:
Lee, Ching-Hsing; Shih, Chia-Pang; Chang, Yu-Che; Chaou, Chung-Hsien
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 18 (8): 898-904 SI 10.1111/j.1553-2712.2011.01137.x AUG 2011
KeyWords Plus:
Objectives: Emergency medicine (EM) is a young but rapidly growing field. An evaluation of academic performance and the growing impact of EM journals would help to elucidate the increase in the number of EM scientific studies. The authors used the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database to investigate the scientific achievements of EM journals in the past 10 years.
Methods: This was a literature review study. All data were collected from the JCR database. Journals listed in the EM category from 2000 to 2009 were included. Eleven categories that were considered most closely related to EM by a consensus of the authors were chosen for comparison, including cardiac and cardiovascular systems, clinical neurology, critical care medicine, gastroenterology and hepatology, infectious diseases, general and internal medicine, pediatrics, respiratory system, surgery, toxicology, and urology and nephrology. Data on journals in the EM category were collected, including journal title, language, journal country or territory, *impact factor* for each year, total number of EM journals for each year, and the EM category aggregate *impact factor* (available from 2003 to 2009). The variables in the comparison group included the number of journals in each of the 11 clinical medicine categories from 2000 to 2009 and the aggregate impact factors for 2003 to 2!
009. The category aggregate *impact factor* and journal *impact factor* were adopted as representative of category and journal academic performance. Linear regression was used to assess the trend of aggregate *impact factor* and journal *impact factor*. The slope (beta) of the linear regression was used to represent the evolution of performance. The relationship between the 2000 EM journal *impact factor* and the *impact factor* trend of EM journals between 2000 and 2009 was measured by Pearson correlation coefficient to evaluate the evolution difference between journals with different initial impact factors.
Results: In 2000, all 12 EM journals were published in the United States or Europe, and the language of all was English. In 2009, 10% (2/19) of the journals originated from outside North America and Europe, and 16% (3/19) were non-English-language journals. The number of EM journals increased 58% from 2000 to 2009, twice the increase in the total number of JCR-listed journals, and rank first in the rate of journal number increase among categories of clinical medicine. The *impact factor* of all EM journals showed an increasingly positive trend since 2000. The *impact factor* increased faster for high *impact factor* EM journals than for low-*impact-factor* EM journals.
Conclusions: An increasing number of international EM journals have appeared over the past 10 years. Every EM journal exhibited a positive *impact factor* trend, but the gap between EM journals' impact factors has widened in the past 10 years. ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2011; 18:898-904 (C) 2011 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Reprint Address:
Chaou, CH (reprint author), Chang Gung Mem Hosp, Dept Emergency Med, Tao Yuan, Taiwan Chang Gung Mem Hosp, Dept Emergency Med, Tao Yuan, TaiwanChang Gung Univ, Coll Med, Tao Yuan, TaiwanChang Gung Univ, Grad Inst Business & Management, Tao Yuan, Taiwan E-mail Address:
shien at url.com.tw
Cited Reference Count:
Cited References
Falagas ME, 2006, V81, P1401
Jouriles N, 2008, V52, P314
Garfield E, 2006, V295, P90
Fontanarosa PB, 1998, V31, P107
*THOMS REUT, 1000,
Gallagher EJ, 1998, V31, P83
Tsai YL, 2006, V24, P647
Tang N, 2010, V304, P664
Seglen PO, 1997, V314, P498
Hoeffel C, 1998, V53, P1225
Opthof T, 1997, V33, P1
*ANN EM MED, 1000,
GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108
*Record 7 of 8. Search terms matched: IMPACT FACTOR(1) *
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Evaluating OR/MS Journals via PageRank
Xu, Z; Cheang, B; Lim, A; Wen, Q
Author Full Names:
Xu, Zhou; Cheang, Brenda; Lim, Andrew; Wen, Qi
INTERFACES 41 (4): 375-388 10.1287/inte.1110.0557 JUL 2011
Author Keywords:
OR/MS education; professional; communications; journal quality
KeyWords Plus:
Scholars, practitioners, and students in operations research and management science (OR/MS) often hesitate to use traditional approaches to evaluate journal quality because of the inconsistency of these approaches to perceptions and other associated biases. We introduce an alternative approach, which is based on Google's PageRank, to evaluate 31 OR/MS journals. This approach enhances the *impact factor* method by considering both citation quantity and quality. When we apply our method to OR/MS journals, the results match survey opinions and significantly outperform rankings based on impact factors. In addition, we provide an extensive discussion of other methods that have been used to assess journal quality. Compared to these methods, our method is better able to discern quality differences for journals that are perceived to be of relatively higher quality. Most importantly, we integrate our method into a Web-based journal-ranking system.
Reprint Address:
Xu, Z (reprint author), Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Dept Logist & Maritime Studies, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Dept Logist & Maritime Studies, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R ChinaHuazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Management, Wuhan 430074, Peoples R ChinaCity Univ Hong Kong, Dept Management Sci, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China E-mail Address:
lgtzx at polyu.edu.hk, brendakarli at redjasper.com, lim.andrew at cityu.edu.hk, qiwen2 at cityu.edu.hk
Funding Acknowledgement:
Hong Kong Polytechnic University[A-PC0Y]
Funding Text:
The authors are grateful to the associate editor and referees for their very helpful comments. This research was supported by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University under grant A-PC0Y. Readers should address correspondence to Brenda Cheang at brendakarli at redjasper.com.
Cited Reference Count:20
Cited References
SOTERIOU AC, 1999, V17, P225
Goh CH, 1996, V24, P337
PINSKI G, 1976, V12, P297
Palacios-Huerta I, 2004, V72, P963
GOH C, 1997, V15, P123
Olson JE, 2005, V35, P323
Barman S, 2001, V19, P367
Pieters R, 2002, V40, P483
Colquitt LL, 1997, V64, P505
MALHOTRA MK, 1996, V14, P55
SALADIN B, 1985, V3, P3
DuBois FL, 2000, V31, P689
VOKURKA RJ, 1996, V14, P345
PAGE L, 1998,
HARLESS D, 1998,
Leydesdorff L, 2008, V59, P278
GORMAN MF, 2005, V7, P3
Gorman MF, 2007, V9, P51
Agrawal VK, 2002, V11, P101
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*Research* Trends in Condensed Matter Physics Based on Bibliometric Analysis
Ahn, S; Kang, J; Lee, HJ
Author Full Names:
Ahn, Sejung; Kang, Jongseok; Lee, Hyuck Jai
Author Keywords:
Condensed matter physics; Research trends; Bibliometric analysis; Journal article
in this paper the research trends in condensed matter physics are investigated based on bibliometric analysis of journal articles collected from the Web of Science (WoS) database for the selected 37 main journals. The analyses are performed from the journal articles published between 1996 and 2005 on the aspects of megatrend, country, research institute, research level and global collaboration network. The research result covers the qualitative analysis based on *impact factor* and citation as well as the basic quantitative analysis. The result of this study was provided to the policy makers as a complementary material of guidelines for science & technology.
Reprint Address:
Lee, HJ (reprint author), Korea Inst Sci & Technol Informat, 66 Hoegi Ro, Seoul 130741, South Korea Korea Inst Sci & Technol Informat, Seoul 130741, South Korea E-mail Address:
sjahn at kisti.re.kr, hlee at kisti.re.kr
Funding Acknowledgement:
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information[K-10-L02-C02-S02, K-11-L02-C02-S02]
Funding Text:
This study was supported by the research project, "Early Warning System Construction for Consumer-directed R&D" (K-10-L02-C02-S02, K-11-L02-C02-S02) funded by Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information.
Cited Reference Count:
Subject Category:
Cited References
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Lee HJ, 2007, V10, P351
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