Four Post-Open-Access-Week OA Events (November, December)

Stevan Harnad amsciforum at GMAIL.COM
Sun Oct 31 10:16:18 EDT 2010

** Cross-Posted **

Four Post OA-Week OA Events

Nov 4 Athens: "The One Sure Way to OA"
At: 19th Hellenic Conference of Academic Libraries," Scientific
communities and libraries in a world of social networking and
synergies," Panteion University, Athens, Greece

16-17 November: "Scholarly/Scientific Impact Metrics in the Open Access Era"
At: Workshop on Open Archives and their Significance in the
Communication of Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Uppsala, Sweden

6 December: "The Open Access Paradigm: What? Where? When? Why? How?"
At: UNESCO Conference on Open Access - Global and Danish Challenges.
Ministry of Education, Copenhagen, Denmark

13-14 December: "OA, OA self-archiving, OA publishing, and data archiving"
At: Expert Conference on Open Access and Open Data, German National
Library of Medicine, Cologne, December 13-14 2010

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