Helping postgraduate students with the abstracts for their theses

James Hartley j.hartley at PSY.KEELE.AC.UK
Thu Nov 25 04:07:40 EST 2010

Colleagues helping non-English postgraduates with their theses might be interested in the little article attached that argues for writing structured abstracts in theses...

Best wishes

James Hartley
School of Psychology
Keele University
j.hartley at
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Linda McPhee 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 5:55 PM
  Subject: Re: technical academic writing discussion?

  I'm also always interested in making contact with others who are teaching academic writing inside a discipline. I've been teaching writing since 1984 and advanced writing since about 1987, and currently work with life science researchers and with social science (development studies) researchers, mainly PhD students writing articles for publication. For most of them English is a second or further language.  

  Very interesting work, once you get away from grammar and show people how to structure and control their intended meanings.  

  Linda McPhee

  On 24 Nov 2010, at 16:53, cecilia benassi wrote:

    Lawrie thanks for replying!!! I am really interested in knowing more about your work. I am always eager to make contact with teachers that work on my field. I have been working with ESP at the university  in Argentina for 16 years, but I have always taught reading comprehension to students in  Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Math and Genetics careers and since 4 years ago I have started, together with a team of teachers, teaching academic writing which is really challenging to me.My personal email is: ceciliabenassi2 at
    Hope to hear from you!!!
    Cecilia Benassi

    2010/11/24 Lawrie Hunter <rolenzo at>

      Hello Maria, 

      I see your reply to Caroline Channock on the EATAW list.

      However, I note that she is advertising for a teacher. I am a university academic writing teacher (for engineers, foreign students) in Japan. I have my own one-year EAP writing program, my own textbook, and my own writing center. If you're interested in discussion, I am willing to be of help.


      Lawrie Hunter 
      Critical thinking / English for Academic Purposes / CALL
      Kochi University of Technology
      Office: lawrie_hunter at
      Personal: lawrie at

      Mailing address:
      Kochi University of Technology
      Miyanokuchi 185, Tosayamada-cho
      Kochi-Ken, Japan   782-8502

      Tel/fax 0887-56-4441          International 81+887-56-4441
      Office tel 0887-57-2100       International 81+887-57-2100 

      On Nov 24, 2010, at 8:21 PM, cecilia benassi wrote:

        Hi! i would like to know about opportunities for overseas universities teachers of english  of coaching students in their academic skills. I am  working with postgraduate sutednts in the genetic carreer at my university in Argentina helping them to write their research projects in english, so I find challenging doing it with foreign sutdents as well.
        Maria Cecilia Benassi

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