Open access publishing, article downloads and citations at 3years
Philip Davis
Tue Nov 23 09:46:13 EST 2010
Critics of our open access publishing experiment (read: Stevan Harnad)
have expressed skepticism that we were too eager to report our findings
and should have waited between 2 and 3 years. All of the articles in
our study have now aged 3-years and we report [1] that our initial
findings [2] were robust: articles receiving the open access treatment
received more article downloads but no more citations.
During the first year of publication, open access articles received more
than double the number of full-text downloads (119%, 95% C.I. 100% -
140%) and 61% more PDF downloads (95% C.I. 48% - 74%) from a third more
unique visitors (32%, 95% C.I. 24% - 41%). Abstract views were reduced
by nearly a third (-29%, 95% C.I. -34% - -24%) signaling a reader
preference for the full article when available.
Thirty-six months after publication, open access treatment articles were
cited no more frequently than articles in the control group (Figure 2).
Open access articles received, on average, 10.6 citations (95% C.I. 9.2
-12.0) compared to 10.7 (95% C.I. 9.6 - 11.8) for the control group. No
significant citation differences were detected at 12, 18, 24 and 30
months after publication.
1. Davis, P. M. 2010. Does Open Access Lead to Increased Readership and
Citations? A Randomized Controlled Trial of Articles Published in APS
Journals. The Physiologist 53: 197-201.
2. Davis, P. M., Lewenstein, B. V., Simon, D. H., Booth, J. G., &
Connolly, M. J. L. 2008. Open access publishing, article downloads and
citations: randomised trial. BMJ 337: a568.
Philip M. Davis, Ph.D.
Department of Communication
301 Kennedy Hall
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
email: pmd8 at
phone: 607 255-2124
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