Frogel, JA. 2010. Astronomy's Greatest Hits: The 100 Most Cited Papers in Each Year of the First Decade of the 21st Century (2000-2009). PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC 122 (896): 1214-1235

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Mon Nov 8 12:09:56 EST 2010

Frogel, JA. 2010. Astronomy's Greatest Hits: The 100 Most Cited Papers in Each 
Year of the First Decade of the 21st Century (2000-2009). PUBLICATIONS OF 

Author Full Name(s): Frogel, Jay A.
Language: English
Document Type: Article


Abstract: The first decade of the 21st century and the last few years of the 
20th have been transformative for ground- and space-based observational 
astronomy due to new observing facilities, access to digital archives, and 
growth in use of the Internet for communication and dissemination of 
information and for access to the archives. How have these three factors 
affected the characteristics and content of papers published in refereed 
astronomical journals, as well as the journals themselves? In this and 
subsequent papers I will propose answers to this question. The analysis in this, 
the first paper of a series, is based on an examination of the 100 most cited 
papers in astronomy and astrophysics for each year between 2000 and 2009, 
inclusive, and supplemental data from 1995 and 1990. The main findings of this 
analysis are: Over the 10 yr period the total number of authors of the top-100 
articles year(-1) has more than tripled. This increase is seen most strongly in 
papers with more than six authors. The number of unique authors in any given 
year has more than doubled. The yearly number of papers with five or fewer 
authors has declined over the same time period. Averaged over the 10 yr period 
the normalized number of authors per paper increases steadily with citation 
rank-the most highly cited papers tend to have the largest number of authors 
and vice versa. This increase is especially notable for papers ranked 1 through 
20 in terms of number of citations and number of authors. The distribution of 
normalized citation counts versus ranking is remarkably constant from year to 
year and, except for the top-ranked half-dozen or so papers in each year, is 
very closely approximated by a power law. Nearly all of the papers that show 
the most divergence from the power-law fit-all in the sense of having a high 
number of citations-are based on the results of large observational surveys. 
Among the top-100 papers there is a small but significant correlation of paper 
length with citation rank. More striking, though, is that the average page 
length of the top-100 papers is one and a half times that for astronomy papers 
in general. For every year from 2000 to 2008, the same five journals account 
for 80 to 85% of the total citations for each year from all of the journals in the 
category of "Astronomy and Astrophysics" by ISI's Journal Citation Reports. 
These numbers do not include Nature or Science. Averaged over the 10 yr time 
period studied in this article, these same five journals account for 77% of the 
1000 most cited papers, slightly less than the journals' fractional contribution 
to the total number of articles published by all journals. The five journals are 
A&A, AJ, ApJ, ApJS, and MNRAS. Two samples of the top-100 cited papers, 
both for the 6 yr from 2001 to 2006 but compiled 2.5 yr apart, show that a 
significant number of articles originally ranked in the top 100 for the year, drop 
out, and are replaced by other articles as time passes. Most of the dropouts 
address topics in extragalactic astronomy; their replacements for the most part 
deal with non-extra-galactic topics. Finally, some additional findings are noted 
that relate to the entire ensemble of astronomical journals published during the 
century's first decade. Various indicators of Internet access to astronomical 
Web sites such as data archives and journal repositories show increases of 
between factors of 3 and 10 or more.
I propose that there are close complementarities between the communication 
capabilities that Internet usage enables and the strong growth in numbers of 
authors of th most highly cited papers. Subsequent papers will examine this and 
other interpretations of the analysis presented here in detail.

Addresses: Assoc Univ Res Astron Inc, Washington, DC 20005 USA
Reprint Address: Frogel, JA, Assoc Univ Res Astron Inc, 1212 New York Ave 
NW,Suite 450, Washington, DC 20005 USA.

E-mail Address: jfrogel at
ISSN: 0004-6280

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