Brandt, JS; Downing, AC; Howard, DL; Kofinas, JD; Chasen, ST. 2010. Citation classics in obstetrics and gynecology: the 100 most frequently cited journal articles in the last 50 years. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 203 (4): art. no.-355.e1

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Mon Nov 1 16:10:24 EDT 2010

Brandt, JS; Downing, AC; Howard, DL; Kofinas, JD; Chasen, ST. 2010. Citation 
classics in obstetrics and gynecology: the 100 most frequently cited journal 
articles in the last 50 years. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND 
GYNECOLOGY 203 (4): art. no.-355.e1. presented at 58th Annual Clinical 
Meeting of the American-College-of-Obstetricians-and-Gynecologists in San 
Francisco, CA, MAY 15-19, 2010.

Author Full Name(s): Brandt, Justin S.; Downing, Amy C.; Howard, David L.; 
Kofinas, Jason D.; Chasen, Stephen T.
Language: English
Document Type: Proceedings Paper

Author Keywords: bibliometrics; citation analysis; citation classics; gynecology; 
landmark articles; obstetrics

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to characterize the most frequently 
cited articles published in obstetrics and gynecology journals during the last 50 
STUDY DESIGN: We utilized the 2008 edition of Journal Citation Reports and 
Social Sciences Citation Index database to determine the most frequently cited 
articles published after 1956. Articles were evaluated for several 
characteristics, and an unadjusted categorical analysis was performed to 
compare pre- and post-1980 articles.
RESULTS: The 100 most frequently cited articles were published in 11 journals 
between 1957 and 2004. Most articles were published by US-based authors. 
Forty-four articles were related to obstetrics and 56 were related to 
gynecology. The most common study design was observational. There were 
only 7 randomized controlled trials, and randomized controlled trials were not 
more common after 1980 (6.3% vs 8.1%; P = .71).
CONCLUSION: Most "citation classics" in obstetrics and gynecology are 
observational studies published in high-impact journals by US-based authors 
after 1980.

Addresses: [Brandt, Justin S.; Howard, David L.; Kofinas, Jason D.; Chasen, 
Stephen T.] New York Presbyterian Hosp, Weill Cornell Med Ctr, Div Maternal 
Fetal Med, Dept Obstet & Gynecol, New York, NY 10021 USA; [Downing, Amy 
C.] Weill Cornell Med Coll, New York, NY USA

Reprint Address: Chasen, ST, New York Presbyterian Hosp, Weill Cornell Med 
Ctr, Div Maternal Fetal Med, Dept Obstet & Gynecol, 525 E 68 St, New York, NY 
10021 USA.

E-mail Address: STCHASEN at
ISSN: 0002-9378
DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2010.07.025

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