Comparative Analysis of Impact Factor and h-index for Pharmacology Journals; THERAPIE 65 (2). MAR-APR 2010. p.129-137

Eugene Garfield eugene.garfield at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
Wed Jun 16 17:53:02 EDT 2010

TITLE:          Comparative Analysis of Impact Factor and h-index for

                Pharmacology Journals. (Article, French)

AUTHOR:         Bador, P; Lafouge, T

SOURCE:         THERAPIE 65 (2). MAR-APR 2010. p.129-137 EDP SCIENCES S

                A, LES ULIS CEDEX A



                 HIRSCH JE          P NATL ACAD SCI USA   102:16569

                 JOURNALS  item_title; IMPACT FACTOR*  item_title;

                 GARFIELD E         SCIENCE               122:108   1955


KEYWORDS:       Journal Impact Factor; h-index; Journal ranking


ABSTRACT:       Comparative Analysis of Impact Factor and h-index for

Pharmacology Journals. Using the strictly same parameters (identical two

publication years (2004-2005) and identical one-year citation window

(2006)), Impact Factor (IF) 2006 was compared with h-index 2006 for one

sample of "Pharmacology and Pharmacy" journals computed from the ISI Web

of Science. For this sample, the IF and the h-index rankings of the

journals are very different. The correlation coefficient between the IF

and the h-index is low for "Pharmacology and Pharmacy" journals. The IF

and h-index can be completely complementary when evaluating journals of

the same scientific discipline.


AUTHOR ADDRESS: P Bador, Univ Lyon 1, Ctr Documentat Pharmaceut, Equipe

                ELICO, ISPB,Fac Pharm, 8 Ave Rockefeller, F-69373 Lyon





Eugene Garfield, PhD. email:  garfield at
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Chairman Emeritus, ThomsonReuters Scientific (formerly ISI)
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