Percentile Rank and Author Superiority Indexes for Evaluating Individual Journal articles by A. I. Pudovkin and E Garfield

Eugene Garfield eugene.garfield at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
Thu Jan 21 12:57:06 EST 2010


Percentile Rank and Author Superiority Indexes for Evaluating Individual

Journal Articles and the Author's Overall Citation Performance


In this paper we propose two new indexes to quantify the citation status
of papers and

authors. The Percentile Rank Index (PRI) indicates the citation rank of
the author's

individual papers among the papers published in the same year and source
(journal or

multi-authored monograph or book.) PRI is independent of the paper's
age, specialty, or

source journal size. The Author's Superiority Index (ASI) is determined
by the number

of the author's papers with a PRI at or above a specified value (99, 95,
or 75). ASI

allows comparisons across specialties and different time periods. The
data necessary to

calculate both the PRI and ASI can be obtained from Thomson-Reuters
database Web of

Science ( or other comparable databases.


This is pre-print of paper that has been accepted for COLLNET journal. 



Eugene Garfield, PhD. email:  garfield at
<mailto:garfield at>  
home page: <> 
Tel: 215-243-2205 Fax: 610-560-4749

Chairman Emeritus, Thomson Reuters Scientific (formerly ISI)
1500 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4067

President, The Scientist LLC.
400 Market Street, Suite 1250, Philadelphia, PA 19106-2501
Past President, American Society for Information Science and Technology
(ASIS&T) <>  


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