Kalina, RM; Barczynski, BJ. 2010. Prestige and impact Archives of Budo for scientific research of the martial arts. ARCHIVES OF BUDO 6 (1):

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Sun Aug 1 15:39:58 EDT 2010

Kalina, RM; Barczynski, BJ. 2010. Prestige and impact Archives of Budo for 
scientific research of the martial arts. ARCHIVES OF BUDO 6 (1): 

Author Full Name(s): Kalina, Roman Maciej; Barczynski, Bartlomiej Jan

Language: English
Document Type: Editorial Material

Abstract: Archives of Budo after nearly five years since the first article 
appeared (2005) has been included for coverage in the Thomson Reuters-
Science Citation Index Expanded focus on: Sports Science & Medicine. The 
unique value Archives of Budo (mainly depends on the fact that annually the 
journal accumulates at the most scientific articles of martial arts) proves that 
despite the large number of downloads of individual articles, there are few 
citations of these papers recorded by the Journal Citation Report. The fact that 
in any other journal of Sports Science & Medicine evaluated by Thomson 
Reuters in which appears annually as many publications on the martial arts as 
at Archives of Budo is proof that only a few scientists engaged in this issue. 
The term "budo" in the title of the journal is used in a broad sense, because it 
is addressed to "the global reader". We mean well-educated people from 
different parts of the world who read scientific publications. Probably many, if 
not most, associate "budo" with the specific martial arts regardless of the origin 
(i.e. with the Japanese judo, Chinese kunk fu, Korean taekwondo, Brazilian 
capoeira, the Israeli kravmaga etc). Anyone who deals with budo in the strict 
meaning (combined with tradition and culture of Japan) we encourage to study 
book Budo: The Martial Ways of Japan.

Addresses: [Barczynski, Bartlomiej Jan] Index Copernicus Int SA, PL-02305 
Warsaw, Poland

Reprint Address: Barczynski, BJ, Index Copernicus Int SA, Al Jerozolimskie 146 
C, PL-02305 Warsaw, Poland.

E-mail Address: barczynski at wp.pl
ISSN: 1643-8698
Fulltext: http://www.archbudo.com/abstracted.php?level=5&icid=878504

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