The DCI Download Site - Software for Discounted Cumulated Impact

Per Ahlgren Per.Ahlgren at SUB.SU.SE
Fri Apr 9 08:02:04 EDT 2010

Dear colleagues,

The Discounted Cumulated Impact (DCI) index was proposed in 2008 as a research evaluation tool (Järvelin, K., & Persson, O., 2008. The DCI index: Discounted cumulated impact-based research evaluation. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(9), 1433-1440). It is based on the idea of devaluing old citations in a smooth and parameterizable way. Traditional citation-based research performance evaluation methods allow "a researcher to rest on his/her laurels" by taking long-ago earned citations as important than the current citation impact. In contrast, DCI is allows one to evaluate a researcher's current vs. long-term impact in a research field.

Software for DCI can be downloaded from a recently established web site:

Best regards,

Per Ahlgren and Kalervo Järvelin

Per Ahlgren
Bibliometrician, Associate Professor (docent)
Department of e-Resources, Stockholm University Library
Universitetsvägen 14 D, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)8 674 75 18
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Fax: +46 (0)8 15 77 76
E-mail: per.ahlgren at

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