Inflation of journal impact factors

Wolfgang G. Stock stocknmw at AOL.COM
Tue Sep 22 11:13:12 EDT 2009

Dear SIGMETRICS members,


in the current issue of ChemPhysChem appeared an essay about the "inflation" of impact factors of scientific journals. It is a short article on?the classical Garfield-Sher?IF, the?five-year IF, the Hirsch-index of journals,?Scopus' trend-line, the SCImago index by the Spanish SCImago Group, and the Eigenfactor score created by Carl Bergstrom. 

Best wishes from Duesseldorf,



Wolfgang G. Stock: The Inflation of Impact Factors of Scientific Journals. ChemPhysChem, 10(13), 2009,?2193-2196.
Abstract. Nowadays, we are confronted with a multitude of different impact indicators. This essay discusses some of the problems of citation analysis?-?and of indicators claiming to give a measure of the standing of a scholarly periodical. Incomplete data sets and the (mostly forgotten) highly skewed distribution of papers by cites are two of the most critical points of the journal impact calculation.

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