mean and median number of citations per article?

Roberto Penteado roberto.penteado at EMBRAPA.BR
Fri Sep 4 09:05:03 EDT 2009

Deat Karen
I can give you the numbers for mean citations per article from
GARFIELD, E. Agony and the ecstasy - the history and meaning of the 
journal impact factor. In: International Congress on Peer Review and 
Bibliomedical Publication, Chicago, Setembro 16, 2005. Disponível em: .

Part of the references are in portuguese...

They are:

All articles in WOS until August 2005.
Mean citations per article = 0.52

All the best.
Roberto de Camargo Penteado Filho

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa
Secretaria de Gestão e Estratégia - SGE

Parque Estação Biológica - Av. W3 norte - final
70770-901 - Brasília, DF - Brasil
Fone: (55-61) 3448-4187

roberto.penteado at

Leia "Organizações Inteligentes: Guia para a competitividade e 
sustentabilidade nos negócios"

Karen A. Robinson wrote:
> Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
> I'm looking for the mean and median number of citations per article. 
> Ideally, for overall and also for clinical trials in specific. I've seen 
> a number of different figures but thought someone on this list would 
> know of the definitive source for this information. Also of interest 
> would be the number or proportion of articles that remain uncited. I 
> recall seeing a figure, I think from Garfield, that gave this at 25%.
> thanks in advance for your suggestions and advice,
> Karen

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