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Eugene Garfield eugene.garfield at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
Thu Jun 25 17:22:57 EDT 2009

ALMEIDA, Waltécio de Oliveira;
LYCURGO, Tassos. Sociology of science:
are knowledge production and the
quest for scientific status two divergent
courses?. História, Ciências, Saúde -
Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, v.16, n.2,
abr.-jun. 2009, p.505-513.
With the publication of a cover article
in Nature by a group of Brazilian
researchers, it has been suggested that
science in Brazil has "progressed" to a
level comparable to that of more
developed countries. We argue that
Brazil's contribution to the world
scientific circuit is otherwise not very
significant, even if more biological
journals are published there than in
other countries of continental
dimensions, such as Australia, Canada
and Russia.
Keywords: sociology of science;
publications; citations; Brazil.

 Email address: Martin L. Christoffersen [mlchrist at]

"The marginal position of science produced in Brazil is thus not simply a consequenceof lack of financial investment. Almost nothing that is published in developing nations appears in the ISI, and what is published rarely represents revolutionary knowledge with
the potential to change the future of science". MLC

A quick search of WebofScience for 2008 papers published in Brazil indicates over 35,000 papers indexed. EG
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