Journal Maps on the Basis of Scopus Data; preprint version

Loet Leydesdorff loet at LEYDESDORFF.NET
Mon Jun 15 12:08:07 EDT 2009

 <> Journal Maps on the
Basis of Scopus Data: 
 <> A Comparison with the
Journal Citation Reports of the ISI. 
Loet Leydesdorff  <outbind://20/#_ftn1> [1], Félix de Moya-Anegón
<outbind://20/#_ftn2> [2] & Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote  <outbind://20/#_ftn3>


Using the Scopus dataset (1996-2007) a grand matrix of aggregated
journal-journal citations was constructed. This matrix can be compared in
terms of the network structures with the matrix contained in the Journal
Citation Reports (JCR) of the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI).
Since the Scopus database contains a larger number of journals and covers
also the humanities, one would expect richer maps. However, the matrix is in
this case sparser than in the case of the ISI data. When the data is highly
structured, as in the case of large journals, the maps are comparable,
although one may have to vary a threshold (because of the differences in
densities). In the case of interdisciplinary journals and journals in the
social sciences and humanities, the new database does not add greatly to
what is possible with the ISI databases. The quality of the data in Scopus
remains a matter of concern because the recall is lower than in the ISI data
after correction for differences in the organization of the two databases. 

<pdf-version <> >

 <outbind://20/#_ftnref1> [1] Amsterdam School of Communications Research
(ASCoR), University of Amsterdam, Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX  Amsterdam,
The Netherlands;  <mailto:loet at> loet at;
<> .

 <outbind://20/#_ftnref2> [2] CSIC, CCHS, IPP, SCImago Research Group,
Spain;  <mailto:felix.moya at> felix.moya at

 <outbind://20/#_ftnref3> [3] Universidad de Extremadura, Information and
Comunication Science Department, Spain, guerrero at

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