[Fwd: Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration - new home, no article fees!]

Torvik, Vetle Ingvald vtorvik at UIC.EDU
Sat Feb 28 13:33:26 EST 2009

Dear Colleague,

The Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration has now transitioned
from Biomed Central to U of Illinois.  Please bookmark the new site:

As before, all articles will be peer-reviewed with a fast turnaround
(initial reviews in 3 weeks), immediate publication upon acceptance, and
open-access (no subscriptions or registration needed).  However, we will
now have NO mandatory article fees. This should greatly reduce the barrier
to contributing from authors whose work is not grant-supported.

Prospective authors should be reassured that papers do not need to be
explicitly biomedical in order to be appropriate for the journal. As it
says on the journal website:

"Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration (DISCO) is an Open
Access, peer-reviewed online journal that will encompass all aspects of
scientific information management and studies of scientific practice.
Currently, many scattered disciplines study aspects of scientific
practice, including informatics, computer science, sociology, cognitive
psychology, scientometrics, rhetoric, and history and philosophy of
science. The journal will connect these disparate perspectives with each
other, and with contemporary scientific practice."

Neil Smalheiser
discovery at psych.uic.edu

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