Nabe, Jonathan, Imre, Andrea. Dissertation Citations in Organismal Biology at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale: Implications for Collection Development. Issues in Science and Technology Leadership. Number 55. Fall 2008
Eugene Garfield
Mon Nov 24 12:03:12 EST 2008
Email Address:jnabe at, aimre at
URL: articles/11
Author: Nabe, Jonathan, Imre, Andrea
Title: Dissertation Citations in Organismal Biology at Southern Illinois
University at Carbondale: Implications for Collection Development
Source: Issues in Science and Technology Leadership. Number 55. Fall 2008
Abstract: We report on a citation analysis of Ph.D. dissertations in plant
biology and zoology at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, undertaken
to test the common assumption that scientists favor current research to
such an extent that journal backfiles can be de-emphasized in academic
library collections. Results demonstrate otherwise. The study is
reproducible for any institution, and can help to evaluate 1) the value of
electronic journal backfiles and 2) the need to maintain print backfiles.
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