2009 Conference on Science and Technology in Society - Call for Papers

Ryan Z ryjaz at YAHOO.COM
Tue Nov 11 22:13:56 EST 2008

Dear Colleague,

When: March 28 -29, 2009
Where: AAAS Headquarters, Washington, DC
Abstract Deadline: December 29, 2008

On March 28-29, 2008, the STGlobal Consortium will hold its 9th annual conference on Science and Technology in Society at the Washington DC headquarters of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The consortium comprises AAAS, Arizona State University (CSPO), École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (CSI), George Mason University (SPP), Georgetown University (CCT), The George Washington University (CISTP), and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (STS). This event is organized and run entirely by and for graduate
students interested in studying issues related to society, science, and
technology from a wide range of perspectives. The Conference brings
students from around the world to present and discuss their work with
each other and with invited experts/guest speakers in the field.

The 9th Annual Conference of Science & Technology in Society
provides a professional and interactive venue for graduate students
from Science & Technology Policy (STP), Science & Technology
Studies (STS), and related fields including, but not limited to,
health, energy and environment, space, information and communications,
and other emerging areas. In developing the agenda for the conference,
the organizing committee's primary goal is to create a forum that
encourages intellectual exchange between STP and STS by assembling
panels around similar themes. As such, the committee will accept the
strongest proposals.

This year's agenda will emphasize international perspectives of science
and technology. In addition to presenting papers and receiving
constructive feedback on their research, students will have the
opportunity to interact with each other and prominent scholars and
professionals related to their field of interest. Every year we invite
prominent figures from both STP and STS to deliver keynote addresses.
Because we draw participants from all over the world, this conference
is an excellent opportunity for young scholars aspiring to work in
academic, governmental, or nongovernmental settings to build both
national and international networks for future research and

The conference organizing committee welcomes submissions of initial
abstracts (up to 250 words). Those whose abstracts are accepted should
prepare for a 15-minute presentation. Please submit abstracts and
contact information (with affiliation) via email to
stabstract at gmail.com by December 29, 2008. Notification of abstract
acceptance will be given by the end of January. An effort will be made
to inform international students earlier to accommodate their visa and
travel arrangements.

A small number of travel grants will be available on a competitive
basis. Indicate your need for travel funds when submitting your
abstract. For information about last year’s conference, please see our
website. We are working to update it with current information, so check
back often. Please contact stabstract at gmail.com with any questions.

Best Regards,
2009 ST Global Committee
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