The Knowledge-Based Economy: Globalization and Self-Organization in the Dynamics of Communication
David E. Wojick
dwojick at HUGHES.NET
Fri Jun 27 12:56:47 EDT 2008
Dear Loet (and all),
This abstract and the paper are written in a technical language (or
code?) that I barely understand, so I may be off the mark. (A
nontechnical version would be most useful). But I have two related
1. Technological innovation and science are two different domains and
only loosely coupled. Most innovation is part of economic activity,
not science. I therefore question whether scientific discourse has in
fact become a coordination mechanism at the social system level. But
scientific knowledge diffusion beyond science is largely invisible,
precisely because it is diffuse, so I may be wrong.
2. Conversely, there is an historic activity in progress whereby
scientific discourse and political control are in direct
communication. This is the climate change debate. I have been
studying this debate for many years and it is unprecedented. The
latest scientific findings are circulated and debated in real time in
the US Congress and in the national press. The Internet is playing a
leading role. The economic implications and proposals are staggering.
This might be an exemplar of your coordination mechanism model, but
it is not about economic or technological innovation, it is about
science and public policy.
With best regards,
David Wojick
<>The Knowledge-Based Economy:
<>The Potentially
Globalizing and Self-Organizing Dynamics of Interactions among
Differently Codified Systems of Communication
Alongside economic exchange relations and political control, the
organization of codified knowledge in scientific discourses has
become increasingly a third coordination mechanism at the level of
the social system. When three coordination mechanisms interact, one
can expect the resulting dynamics to be complex and self-organizing.
Each coordination mechanism is specific in terms of its code of
communication. For example, "energy" has a meaning in physics very
different from its meaning in the economy or for policy-makers. In
addition to providing the communications with functionally different
meanings, the codes can be symbolically generalized, and then meaning
can be globalized. Symbolically generalized codes of communication
can be expected to span competing horizons of meaning that
'self-organize' given historical conditions. From this perspective,
the historical organization of meaning-for example, in discourses-can
be considered as instantiations or retention mechanisms. In other
words, meaning can further be codified in communication flows.
Knowledge, for example, can be considered as a meaning which makes a
difference. In the case of discursive knowledge, this difference is
defined with reference to a code in the communication. When
discursive knowledge is socially organized (e.g., as R&D) its
dynamics can increasingly compete with other social coordination
mechanisms in the construction and reproduction of a knowledge-based
Loet Leydesdorff
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam
<mailto:loet at>loet at ;
Visiting Professor 2007-2010,
<>ISTIC, Beijing; Honorary
Fellow 2007-2010, <>SPRU, University of
Now available:
Knowledge-Based Economy: Modeled, Measured, Simulated, 385 pp.; US$
Self-Organization of the Knowledge-Based Society ;
Challenge of Scientometrics
"David E. Wojick, PhD" <WojickD at>
Senior Consultant for Innovation
Office of Scientific and Technical Information
US Department of Energy
391 Flickertail Lane, Star Tannery, VA 22654 USA
540-858-3136 provides my bio and
past client list.
presents some of my own research on information structure and
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