July 8, 2008: IV08 Course on "Network Analysis and Visualization Using Network Workbench"

Katy Borner katy at INDIANA.EDU
Thu Jun 19 21:37:35 EDT 2008

There will be a half day course on Network Analysis and Visualization 
Using Network Workbench
at the 12th International Conference on  Information Visualisation,see 
http://www.graphicslink.co.uk/IV08. More information is below.

A half-day Course: Tuesday 8th July 2008, Time: 10:30 -13:30


Network Analysis and Visualization Using Network Workbench

Russell Duhon, Bruce W. Herr, Katy Börner, and Weixia Huang

Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center

School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University 
Bloomington, USA


Networks are all around us! This includes social networks, internet 
networks, biological networks, paper citation networks, and more. As 
these networks become more important in our daily lives the ability to 
understand their behavior will be more and more necessary. The Network 
Workbench (http://nwb.slis.indiana.edu <http://nwb.slis.indiana.edu/>) 
was designed to aid in exploring and understanding these networks. In 
this tutorial we will introduce the Network Workbench and demonstrate 
how to use it to analyze and visualize your own networks.


1.     A brief introduction to networks and network science

2.     An introduction to the Network Workbench (NWB) project.

3.     Hands on demonstrations of NWB

4.     Extending NWB

5.     Large-scale network visualization



This tutorial will be a four hour, mostly hands-on, introduction to 
using and extending the Network Workbench for analysis and visualization 
of network data.

Level of Tutorial: Introductory level


Russell Duhon designs, programs, parses, researches, and visualizes at 
Dr. Katy Borner's Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center at 
Indiana University. He likes making the little algorithms that fit 
between the big ones. Among his areas of interest are economics-inspired 
modelling of scientific activity, statistical methods for understanding 
data, and unusual data sets. He attended the School of Informatics of 
Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, which is also his home town.

Bruce W. Herr II is a software developer at the Cyberinfrastructure for 
Network Science Center at Indiana University, directed by Katy Börner. 
He enjoys making beautiful, extensible, usable, and maintainable 
software. Research interests are information visualization, 
human-computer interaction, cognitive processing, software design, 
aesthetics in visualization, and extensible software. Major software 
projects include the InfoVis Cyberinfrastructure 
<http://iv.slis.indiana.edu/sw/>, Cyberinfrastructure Shell 
<http://cishell.org/>, and Network Workbench 
<http://nwb.slis.indiana.edu/>. He has worked on many large-scale 
visualizations including Movies&Actors 
<http://www.scimaps.org/maps/movieactors/>, Wikivis 
<http://scimaps.org/maps/wikipedia>, Neurovis 
<http://www.scimaps.org/maps/neurovis/>, and the US Patent Hierarchy Vis 
<http://scimaps.org/dev/map_detail.php?map_id=141>. Bruce received his 
BS in Computer Science in 2004 from Indiana University. His personal 
website is at http://about.bh2.net <http://about.bh2.net/>.

Katy Börner is the Victor H. Yngve Associate Professor of Information 
Science at the School of Library and Information Science, Adjunct 
Associate Professor in the School of Informatics, Core Faculty of 
Cognitive Science, Research Affiliate of the Biocomplexity Institute, 
Fellow of the Center for Research on Learning and Technology, Member of 
the Advanced Visualization Laboratory, and Founding Director of the 
Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center at Indiana University. 
She is a curator of the Places & Spaces: Mapping Science exhibit, 
http://scimaps.org/. Her research focuses on the development of data 
analysis and visualization techniques for information access, 
understanding, and management. She is particularly interested in the 
study of the structure and evolution of scientific disciplines; the 
analysis and visualization of online activity; and the development of 
cyberinfrastructures for large scale scientific collaboration and 
computation. <>

Weixia Huang is a System Architect at the Cyberinfrastructure for 
Network Science Center at Indiana University. She has ten years industry 
experience on software developments and project managements. She 
currently leads the software development of the NSF funded Network 
Workbench (NWB) and Cyberinfrastructure Shell (CIShell) projects. She is 
particularly interested in designing and developing software with sound 
extensibility, usability, and scalability. Before joining the 
Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center, she has worked as 
Research Staff Member at Xerox Wilson Research Center and software 
engineer at Sprint. She was the architect and programmer at Xerox to 
develop a Device-Centric Enterprise Service Platform for automated data 
transmission and remote diagnosis systems.

Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center

School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University 
Bloomington, USA {rduhon, bherr, huangb, katy}@indiana.edu

Katy Borner, Victor H. Yngve Associate Professor of Information Science
Director of the Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center
School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University

10th Street & Jordan Avenue     Phone:  (812) 855-3256   Fax: -6166
Wells Library 021               E-mail: katy at indiana.edu
Bloomington, IN 47405, USA      WWW:    ella.slis.indiana.edu/~katy

Mapping Science exhibit will be on display at the National Research Council in Ottawa, Canada, April 3-June 27, 2008, http://scimaps.org/

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