Paper originally requested by the former editor of Science

Eugene Garfield eugene.garfield at THOMSONREUTERS.COM
Wed Jul 23 14:38:11 EDT 2008


>From citation indexes to informetrics: Is the tail now wagging the dog?




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eralSearch&qid=2&SID=2A3F at lCDdFJ1aOLlDGP&page=1&doc=1#output_options#out


Author(s): Garfield E
mode=DaisyOneClickSearch&doc=1&db_id=&SID=2A3F at lCDdFJ1aOLlDGP&name=Garfi

Source: LIBRI    Volume: 48    Issue: 2    Pages: 67-80    Published:
JUN 1998   

Times Cited: 26
CitingArticles&SID=2A3F at lCDdFJ1aOLlDGP&db_id=WOS&parentQid=2&doc=1&recid
=106274376>      References: 67
tedRefList&SID=2A3F at lCDdFJ1aOLlDGP&db_id=WOS&parentQid=2&doc=1&recid=106
274376>       Citation Map <javascript:void();>        

Abstract: This article provides a synoptic review and history of
citation indexes and their evolution into research evaluation tools
including a discussion of the use of bibliometric data for evaluating
U.S. institutions (academic departments) by the National Research
Council (NRC). The review covers the origin and uses of journal impact
factors, validation studies of citation analysis, information retrieval
and dissemination (current awareness), citation consciousness,
historiography and science mapping, Citation Classics,(R) and the
history of contemporary science. Retrieval of information by cited
reference searching is illustrated, especially as it applies to avoiding
duplicated research. The fifteen-year cumulative impacts of journals and
the percentage of uncitedness, the emergence of scientometrics, old boy
networks, and citation frequency distributions are discussed. The paper
concludes with observations about the future of citation indexing.




When responding, please attach my original message
Eugene Garfield, PhD. email:  garfield at 
home page:
Tel: 215-243-2205 Fax 215-387-1266
President, The Scientist LLC.  
400 Market St., Suite 1250 Phila. PA 19106- 

Chairman Emeritus, ISI 
3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-3302
Past President, American Society for Information Science and Technology


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