Van, TT; Beigbeder, M Hybrid method for personalized search in scientific digital libraries COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS AND INTELLIGENT TEXT PROCESSING 4919. 2008. p.512-521 SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, BERLIN

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Tue Apr 1 10:05:18 EDT 2008

Email address: van at	

AUTHOR:         Van, TT; Beigbeder, M
TITLE:          Hybrid method for personalized search in scientific
                digital libraries (Article, English)

                PROCESSING 4919. 2008. p.512-521 SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN,

ABSTRACT:       Users of information retrieval systems usually have to
repeat the tedious process of searching, browsing, and refining queries 
until they find relevant documents. This is because different users have 
different information needs, but user queries are often short and, hence, 
ambiguous. In this paper we study personalized search in digital libraries 
using user profile. The search results could be re-ranked by taking into 
account specific information needs of different people. We study many 
methods for this purpose: citation-based method, content-based method and 
hybrid method. We conducted experiments to compare performances of these 
methods. Experimental results show that our approaches are promising and 
applicable in digital libraries.

AUTHOR ADDRESS: TT Van, Ecole Natl Super Mines, Ctr G21, Dept RIM, 158
                Cours Fauriel, F-42023 St Etienne, France

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