Easy question, I hope

Pikas, Christina K. Christina.Pikas at JHUAPL.EDU
Wed Oct 31 09:57:49 EDT 2007

Hi All-
I suspect this is either easy or impossible:  I have a coauthorship
network for institutions and I've extracted a few ego networks for
institutions of interest.  The person for whom I've done this work has
asked that the edges be labeled with keywords from the linking papers.
Since I'm using VantagePoint to clean the data and create the matrices,
it's pretty easy (although ugly from an information science point of
view) to actually compile interesting (inverted frequency or whatever)
keywords.  So I thought there would be a way to do line attributes or
something instead of just node attributes?
I've been looking through the de Nooy, Mrvar, and Batagelj book and I
see pictures with words next to the lines (sort of like one would draw
out an ontology), but in both NetDraw and Pajek I can only figure out
how to turn numerical weights on and off.
I guess I could always photoshop the exported image, but that's not so
Thanks in advance,
P.S. - Has anyone else tried VantagePoint for getting the data ready to
go into UCINET or Pajek?  It's fairly helpful at rolling up various
versions of institution names in Scopus.

Christina K. Pikas, MLS 
R.E. Gibson Library & Information Center
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 
Voice  240.228.4812 (Washington), 443.778.4812 (Baltimore) 
Fax 443.778.5353 

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