Retrieving Impact Factors from ISI WoS

Stephen J Bensman notsjb at LSU.EDU
Fri Apr 20 12:40:49 EDT 2007

If you are using the online JCRs, just hold down "Control" and click your
subject categories.  Then mark, and download die ganze Schmiere.  If these
are in separate JCRs, then do that for those categories in the separate
JCRs into separate spreadsheets, and then merge the spread sheets.  The
trick is holding down "Control" while clicking your subject categories.
Pretty straightforward MS Windows operation.


"Mogotsi I C Mr, LIS" <MOGOTSIC at MOPIPI.UB.BW>> on
04/20/2007 09:51:11 AM

Please respond to ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Metrics
       <SIGMETRICS at>

Sent by:    ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Metrics
       <SIGMETRICS at>

cc:     (bcc: Stephen J Bensman/notsjb/LSU)

Subject:    [SIGMETRICS] Retrieving Impact Factors from ISI WoS

I am looking for a way to retrieve impact factors (IF) for journals in the
subject categories “Computer Science, Information Systems”, “Information
Science & Library Science”, “Management” and “Business Management”; I was
wondering if there was a way to get the IFs in one fell swoop?

Many thanks


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