new Hirsch-type index

Ronald Rousseau ronald.rousseau at KHBO.BE
Wed Apr 18 14:22:34 EDT 2007

Dear colleagues,

May I draw your attention to my latest (co-authored) article. It deals with some
h-type indices, and is published in China's multidisciplinary journal: Chinese
Science Bulletin.

The R- and AR-indices: complementing the h-index
Chinese Science Bulletin, March 2007, 52(6), p. 855-863
Bihui Jin, Liming Liang, Ronald Rousseau, Leo Egghe


Based on the foundation laid by the h-index we introduce and study the R- and
AR-indices. These new indices eliminate some of the disadvantages of the
h-index, especially when they are used in combination with the h-index. The
R-index measures the h-core’s citation intensity, while AR goes one step
further and takes the age of publications into account. This allows for an
index that can actually increase and decrease over time. We propose the pair
(h, AR) as a meaningful indicator for research evaluation. We further prove a
relation characterizing the h-index in the power law model.

In case you do not have access to this journal a reprint can be downloaded from
my wegpage.

Best regards,

Ronald Rousseau

Ronald Rousseau
KHBO (Association K.U.Leuven)- Industrial Sciences and Technology
Zeedijk 101    B-8400  Oostende   Belgium
E-mail: ronald.rousseau at
web page:

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