Alma Swan on Open Access in American Scientist (the journal)

Sylvan Katz j.s.katz at SUSSEX.AC.UK
Thu Apr 5 15:24:47 EDT 2007

> PS You could, of course, have downloaded the HTML version you accessed!

Indeed this is correct. OR I could have pdf'd the html. OR I could print 
the paper and scanned the output to PDF. OR I could email the author and 
ask for a PDF copy.

The greater irony is that this excellent paper say "To provide open access, 
all that is needed is for each scientist to place a copy of each article, 
as soon as it has been peer-reviewed, into an open repository at his 
institution. Known as self-archiving, this act takes a few minutes and 
costs a scientist nothing."

>>From what I can tell this paper has not been self-archived at author's home 
institution even though it is obvious that it has passed peer 

OR maybe I just wasn't able to find the correct archive location. Did I 
miss it?

Don't take my comments the wrong way. I am an advocate of OA - FULL OA. It 
is the irony between what is preached and what is practiced that amuses me. 
No doubt things will improve with time :)


Dr. J. Sylvan Katz, Visiting Fellow
SPRU, University of Sussex

Adjunct Professor
Mathematics & Statistics, University of Saskatchewan

Associate Researcher
Institut national de la recherche scientifique, University of Quebec

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