Alma Swan on Open Access in American Scientist (the journal)

Sylvan Katz j.s.katz at SUSSEX.AC.UK
Thu Apr 5 11:47:07 EDT 2007

>     Alma Swan's article "Open Access and the Progress of Science" has
>     just appeared in American Scientist (the journal) May-June Issue 2007:

I had a good laugh when I read the article about open-access and then tried 
to download the pdf file to my archive for reference ONLY to receive the 

"If you are an active member of Sigma Xi, please log in now to download 
this PDF for free. If you are an American Scientist subscriber, log in now 
to proceed with your order request. Subscribers pay $5 per PDF. Public 
users pay $12 per PDF. Click here to proceed with your download as a public 

The irony was just too much!

Sylvan Katz

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