OA's Impact on the Humanities vs. Science (fwd)
Stevan Harnad
harnad at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK
Tue Sep 19 15:28:34 EDT 2006
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 13:17:36 -0400
From: Charles Finley <charles.finley at UTORONTO.CA>
Subject: OA's Impact on the Humanities vs. Science
To follow up on the citation debate and its references to the humanities
I am posting this to let you know that at the Knowledge Media Design
Institute we have just published an article on OA and the Humanities on
our Project OS |OA website by University of Toronto Professor Linda
This article is not on citation specifically, but it is a good
exploration of why OA's impact on the humanities has been different than
that of the sciences.
/*Open Access offers new opportunities for publishing, research and
promotion in the humanities says U of T University Professor Linda
Hutcheon. Emphasis on monographs, less time-sensitive research reasons
for lack of OA debate and awareness compared to the sciences.*/
Linda Hutcheon predicts the rise of electronic books and a move towards
an emphasis on journal articles as a basis for promotion and tenure will
contribute to increased demands from humanities scholars for open access
in our academic institutions.
*Read more:
Charles Finley, Executive Director
Project Open Source | Open Access
Knowledge Media Design Institute
University of Toronto
charles.finley at utoronto.ca
Phone: 416.978.3778
C.Oppenheim wrote:
> My latest study is in the field of music, where journal articles are most
> certainly not the primary means of dissemination. I also understand
> that in
> arhcaeology, reports and monographs are as important, if not more
> important,
> than journal articles.
> However, the comment misses the point that citation counting counts
> citations to all media, not just to journal articles.
> Charles
> Professor Charles Oppenheim
> Head
> Department of Information Science
> Loughborough University
> Loughborough
> Leics LE11 3TU
> Tel 01509-223065
> Fax 01509-223053
> e mail C.Oppenheim at lboro.ac.uk
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <l.hurtado at ED.AC.UK>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 9:56 AM
> Subject: Re: Future UK RAEs to be Metrics-Based
> I've done a quick check of the publications by Openheim supposedly
> showing a strong correlation of RAE standings and citations in
> journals, and it seems to me that all I can find are studies to do with
> psychology, anatomy, archaeology, etc., ALL OF WHICH use
> journal-articles as the prized mode of research
> productivity/publication.
> Can Openheim or STevan point me to studies of, e.g., English Lit,
> History, Religion, with similar results??
> I know that this list is not about this issue primarily, but it's the
> (over?)confidence of Stevan on this that puzzles me . . . in the
> apparent absence of the empirical proof that he so values. Or please
> correct me by pointing to the publications I request (preferably
> online, of course!).
> Larry
> Quoting Stevan Harnad <harnad at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK>:
>> On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 l.hurtado at ED.AC.UK wrote:
>>> Well, I'm all for empirically-based views in these matters. So, if
>>> Oppenheim or others have actually soundly based studies showing what
>>> Stevan and Oppenheim claim, then that's to be noted. I'll have to see
>>> the stuff when it's published. In the meanwhile, a couple of further
>>> questions:
>> Many studies are already published. In fact many are cited in:
>> Harnad, S., Carr, L., Brody, T. and Oppenheim, C. (2003) Mandated
>> online RAE CVs Linked to University Eprint Archives. Ariadne 35.
>> http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/7725/
>>> --Pardon me for being out of touch, perhaps, but more precisely what is
>>> being measured? What does journal "citation counts" refer to?
>> The total number of citations to the articles by submitted authors
>> (and not just those
>> for their 4 submitted articles!)
>>> Citation of journal articles? Or citation of various things in journal
>>> articles (and why privilege this medium?)? Or . . . what?
>> Citation of the articles, but that usually means citing things in the
>> articles!
>> Journal articles are privileged in many disciplines because they are the
>> main means of reporting research. In book-based disciplines the balance
>> is otherwise, but the interesting thing is that even in book-based
>> disciplines there is a journal article citation correlation with the RAE
>> rankings. One would expect it to be somewhat weaker than in
>> article-based
>> disciplines, but more data are needed to be exact about this.
>>> --What does "correlation" between RAE results and "citation counts"
>>> actually comprise?
>> The RAE ranks the departments of the c. 73 UK research universities,
>> with ranks from 1 to 5*. Correlation is the measure of the degree to
>> which values on one variable co-vary with, hence predict, values on
>> another variable (e.g. height is correlated with weight, the higher on
>> one, the higher on the other, and vice versa).
>> When two variables are correlated, you can predict one from the
>> other. How
>> accurately you can predict is reflected by the square of the correlation
>> coefficient: If there is a correlation of 0.8, then the predictivity
>> (the
>> percentage of the variation in one of the variables that you can already
>> predict from the other) is 64%. For a correlation of 0.9 it's 81% etc.
>> Well, as you will see in the reference list of the above-cited article,
>> Smith & Eysenck found a correlation of about 0.9 between the RAE ranks
>> and the total citation counts for the submitted researchers in
>> Psychology.
>> Looking at Charles Oppenheim's studies, you will see that the
>> correlations
>> varied from about 0.6 to 0.9, depending on field and year, which is all
>> quite high, but *especially* give that the RAE does not count citations!
>> The correlation is even higher with another metric, in science and
>> biology: prior research funding. There it can be as high as 0.99, but
>> that is not so good, because (1) prior funding *is* directly seen and
>> counted by the panel, so that high correlation could be an effect of
>> direct influence. Worse, using prior funding as a criterion generates a
>> Matthew Effect, with the already-highly-funded getting richer and
>> richer,
>> and the less-funded getting poorer and poorer.
>> That is why a multiple regression equation is best, with many predictor
>> metrics, each one weighted according to the desiderata and particulars
>> of each discipline, and validated against further criteria, to make sure
>> they are measuring what we want to measure. There will be many candidate
>> metrics in the OA era.
>>> Let me lay out further reasons for some skepticism. In my own field
>>> (biblical studies/theology), I'd say most senior-level scholars
>>> actually publish very infrequently in refereed journals. We do perhaps
>>> more in earlier years, but as we get to senior levels we tend (a) to
>>> get requests for papers for multi-author volumes, and (b) we devote
>>> ourselves to projects that best issue in book-length publications.
>> That happens in other fields too, and as metric equations are calibrated
>> and optimised, factors like seniority will enter into the weightings
>> too. (Book chapter citations can and will of course be cited too --
>> and are, to a limited degree, already being counted by ISI and others,
>> because journal articles cite books and book chapters too, and those
>> citations are caught by ISI.)
>>> So if my own productivity and impact were assessed by how many journal
>>> articles I've published in the last five years, I'd look poor (even
>>> though . . . well, let's say that I rather suspect that wouldn't be the
>>> way I'm perceived by peers in the field).
>> The RAE ranks departments via individuals, and a department needs
>> a blend of junior and senior people, with their different style of
>> publication. And remember that RAE is comparing like with like. So
>> you might be interested in checking how your own journal article
>> and book chapter citation counts compare with those of your peers (or
>> juniors). You might be (pleasantly) surprised!
>> And of course in the (soon-to-hand) OA era, other metrics will be
>> available too, such as download counts ("hits"), which happen much
>> earlier, yet are correlated with later citations -- and are of course
>> maximized by self-archiving your papers in your institutional IR to make
>> them OA.
>> Odd new metrics will also include endogamy/exogamy scores (their
>> preferred
>> polarity depending on field!), depending on the degree of self-citing,
>> co-author citing, co-citation circle citing, within/outside specialty
>> citing, intra/interdisciplinary citing, both for the citing
>> article/author
>> and the cited article/author. Then there's text-proximity scores (of
>> which
>> an extreme would be plagiarism), latency/longevity metrics, co-citation
>> to/from, CiteRank (where the weight of each citation is recursively
>> ranked, google style, by the degree of citedness of the citer), etc.
>> etc.
>>> Or is the metric to comprise how many times I'm *cited* in journals?
>> It's how many times you're cited, which means how many times your
>> articles are
>> cited -- in journals, but in principle also in book chapters,
>> conferences and books.
>> And whether what is *being* cited is articles, chapters or books.
>>> If so, is there some proven correlation between a scholar's impact or
>>> significance of publications in the field and how many times he happens
>>> to be cited in this one genre of publication? I'm just a bit
>>> suspicious of the assumptions, which I still suspect are drawn (all
>>> quite innocently, but naively) from disciplines in which journal
>>> publication is much more the main and significant venue for scholarly
>>> publication.
>> I don't know of systematic genre comparisons (journals vs book chapters,
>> even empirical vs theoretical journals, reviews, etc.) but they no doubt
>> exist. I will branch this to the sigmetrics list where the experts
>> are! I
>> am just an amateur...
>>> And, as we all know, "empirical" studies depend entirely on the
>>> assumptions that lie at their base. So their value is heavily framed
>>> by the validity and adequacy of the governing assumptions. No
>>> accusations, just concerns.
>> Interpretations may be influenced by assumptions, but the empirical fact
>> that atmospheric pressure predicts RAE ranking would be an empirical
>> datum
>> (and, if it predicted it with a correlation of, say, 0.9) that would be
>> a reason for scrapping RAE panels for barometers
>> theory-independently....
>> Stevan Harnad
>>> Quoting Stevan Harnad <harnad at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK>:
>>> > On Mon, 18 Sep 2006, Larry Hurtado wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Stevan and I have exchanged views on the *feasibility* of a metrics
>>> >> approach to assessing research strength in the Humanities, and he's
>>> >> impressed me that something such *might well* be feasible *when/if*
>>> >> certain as-yet untested and undeveloped things fall into place. I
>>> >> note,
>>> >> e.g., in Stevan's addendum to Oppenheim's comment that a way of
>>> >> handling
>>> >> book-based disciplines "has not yet been looked at", and that a
>>> number
>>> >> of other matters are as yet "untested".
>>> >
>>> > Larry is quite right that the (rather obvious and straightforward)
>>> > procedure of self-archiving books' metadata and cited references in
>>> > order to derive a comprehensive book-citation index (which would
>>> > of course include journal articles citing books, books citing books,
>>> > and books citing journal articles) had not yet been implemented or
>>> > tested.
>>> >
>>> > However, the way to go about it is quite clear, and awaits only OA
>>> > self-archiving mandates (to which a mandate to self-archive one's
>>> book
>>> > metadata and reference list should be added as a matter of course).
>>> >
>>> > But please recall that I am an evangelist for OA self-archiving,
>>> > because
>>> > I *know* it can be done, that it works, and that it confers
>>> substantial
>>> > benefits in terms of research access, usage and impact.
>>> >
>>> > Insofar as metrics are concerned, I am not an evangelist, but
>>> merely an
>>> > enthusiast: The evidence is there, almost as clearly as it is with
>>> the
>>> > OA impact-advantage, that citation counts are strongly correlated
>>> with
>>> > RAE rankings in every discipline so far tested. Larry seems to pass
>>> > over
>>> > evidence in his remark about the as yet incomplete book citation data
>>> > (ISI has some, but they are only partial). But what does he have
>>> to say
>>> > about the correlation between RAE rankings and *journal article
>>> > citation
>>> > counts* in the humanities (i.e., in the "book-based" disciplines)?
>>> > Charles will, for example, soon be reporting strong correlations in
>>> > Music. Even without having to wait for a book-impact index, it seems
>>> > clear that there are as yet no reported empirical exceptions to the
>>> > correlation between journal article citation metrics and RAE
>>> outcomes.
>>> >
>>> > (I hope Charles will reply directly, posting some references to
>>> his and
>>> > others' studies.)
>>> >
>>> >> This being the case, it is certainly not so a priori to say that a
>>> >> metrics approach is not now really feasible for some disciplines.
>>> >
>>> > Nothing a priori about it: A posteriori, every discipline so far
>>> tested
>>> > has shown positive correlations between its journal citation
>>> counts and its
>>> > RAE rankings, including several Humanities disciplines.
>>> >
>>> > The advantage of having one last profligate panel-based RAE in
>>> parallel
>>> > with the metric one in 2008 is that not a stone will be left
>>> unturned.
>>> > If there prove to be any disciplines having small or non-existent
>>> > correlations with metrics, they can and should be evaluated
>>> otherwise.
>>> > But let us not assume, a priori, that there will be any such
>>> > disciplines.
>>> >
>>> >> I emphasize that my point is not a philosophical one, but strictly
>>> >> whether as yet a worked out scheme for handling all Humanities
>>> >> disciplines rightly is in place, or capable of being mounted without
>>> >> some significant further developments, or even thought out
>>> adequately.
>>> >
>>> > It depends entirely on the size of the metric correlations with the
>>> > present RAE rankings. Some disciplines may need some supplementary
>>> > forms
>>> > of (non-metric) evaluation if their correlations are too weak.
>>> That is
>>> > an
>>> > empirical question. Meanwhile, the metrics will also be growing in
>>> > power
>>> > and diversity.
>>> >
>>> >> That's not an antagonistic question, simply someone asking for the
>>> >> basis for the evangelistic stance of Stevan and some others.
>>> >
>>> > I evangelize for OA self-archiving of research and merely advocate
>>> > further development, testing and use of metrics in research
>>> performance
>>> > assessment, in all disciplines, until/unless evidence appears that
>>> > there
>>> > are exceptions. So far, the objections I know of are all only in the
>>> > form of a priori preconceptions and habits, not objective data.
>>> >
>>> > Stevan Harnad
>>> >
>>> >> > Charles Oppenheim has authorised me to post this on his behalf:
>>> >> >
>>> >> > "Research I have done indicates that the same correlations
>>> >> > between
>>> >> > RAE scores and citation counts already noted in the sciences
>>> >> > and
>>> >> > social sciences apply just as strongly (sometimes more
>>> strongly)
>>> >> > in the humanities! But you are right, Richard, that
>>> metrics are
>>> >> > PERCEIVED to be inappropriate for the humanities and a lot of
>>> >> > educating is needed on this topic."
>>> >
>>> L. W. Hurtado, Professor of New Testament Language, Literature &
>>> Theology
>>> Director of Postgraduate Studies
>>> School of Divinity, New College
>>> University of Edinburgh
>>> Mound Place
>>> Edinburgh, UK. EH1 2LX
>>> Office Phone: (0)131 650 8920. FAX: (0)131 650 7952
> L. W. Hurtado, Professor of New Testament Language, Literature & Theology
> Director of Postgraduate Studies
> School of Divinity, New College
> University of Edinburgh
> Mound Place
> Edinburgh, UK. EH1 2LX
> Office Phone: (0)131 650 8920. FAX: (0)131 650 7952
Charles Finley, Executive Director
Project Open Source | Open Access
Knowledge Media Design Institute
University of Toronto
charles.finley at utoronto.ca
Phone: 416.978.3778
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