Web indicators for complex innovation systems

Sylvan Katz j.s.katz at SUSSEX.AC.UK
Mon Oct 16 13:33:08 EDT 2006

Katz, J. S. and V. Cothey, 2006: Web Indicators for Complex Innovation 
Systems. Research Evaluation, 14, 85-95.

The Web and innovation systems are interacting complex systems that impact 
each other. Web indicators used to inform decision-makers about the impact 
they are having on each must be reproducible and relevant. Web metrics 
research is young and best-practice methodologies for producing robust 
indicators are evolving. This study describes a methodology for producing 
robust indicators of the web presence of the European and Canadian 
innovation systems. It demonstrates that the emergent properties and 
scaling characteristics expected of complex systems are captured by these 
indicators. It illustrates how these indicators can be used to measure the 
amount of recognition a nation or province’s web presence receives from 
other nations and provinces in their innovation systems.


Dr. J. Sylvan Katz, Visiting Fellow
SPRU, University of Sussex

Adjunct Professor
Mathematics & Statistics, University of Saskatchewan

Associate Researcher
Institut national de la recherche scientifique, University of Quebec

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