New paper on OA advantage/ ISSI 2007 Conference
Isidro F. Aguillo
isidro at CINDOC.CSIC.ES
Fri Nov 17 09:29:30 EST 2006
The effect of 'Open access' and 'preprints' upon citation impact is an
interesting issue that received much attention in messages submitted to
the Sigmetrics list server. Recently I finished a paper on this issue. I
decided to deposit it in Abstract and full text (in PDF) are
now available at::
Title and abstract are included at the bottom of this message.
Please allow me to address a second point. The organisers of the 11th
International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2007,
to be held in Madrid, 25-27 June 2007), Isabel Gomez, Maria Bordons and
Isidro Aguillo (at CINDOC, CSIC, Madrid) and myself, as program chair,
are considering to dedicate in this conference a
session to information-scientific aspects of 'Open Access' and
'Usage/downloads' from digital libraries. We would certainly welcome
good papers on these issues. If you are interested in contributing to
such a session, please let me know, and submit a full paper or
research-in-progress paper to the conference. See the Submission of
papers page at the conference website (
</exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=>) for
details about how to submit a paper. Of course, papers on other topics
covered by the conference are most welcome too! Deadline for submission
is November 30, 2006.
With kind regards,
Henk F. Moed
Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University, The
Email: moed at <mailto:moed at>
*The effect of 'Open Access' upon citation impact: An analysis of
ArXiv's Condensed Matter Section*
Authors: *Henk F. Moed*
Comments: Version 13 November 2006. 16 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables
Subj-class: Digital Libraries; Information Retrieval
This article statistically analyses how the citation impact of
articles deposited in the Condensed Matter section of the preprint
server ArXiv (hosted by Cornell University), and subsequently
published in a scientific journal, compares to that of articles in
the same journal that were not deposited in that archive. Its
principal aim is to further illustrate and roughly estimate the
effect of two factors, 'early view' and 'quality bias', upon
differences in citation impact between these two sets of papers,
using citation data from Thomson Scientific's Web of Science. It
presents estimates for a number of journals in the field of
condensed matter physics. In order to discriminate between an 'open
access' effect and an early view effect, longitudinal citation data
was analysed covering a time period as long as 7 years. Quality bias
was measured by calculating ArXiv citation impact differentials at
the level of individual authors publishing in a journal, taking into
account co-authorship. The analysis provided evidence of a strong
quality bias and early view effect. Correcting for these effects,
there is in a sample of 6 condensed matter physics journals studied
in detail, no sign of a general 'open access advantage' of papers
deposited in ArXiv. The study does provide evidence that ArXiv
accelerates citation, due to the fact that that ArXiv makes papers
earlier available rather than that it makes papers freely available. .
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Isidro F. Aguillo
isidro at
Ph:(+34) 91-5635482 ext. 313
Cybermetrics Research Group
Joaquin Costa, 22
28002 Madrid. SPAIN
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