A.G. Kelly - Monographs on Informetrics, Information Research, 10(4), review #R181, 2005. Review of Leo Egghe's "Power laws in the information production process: Lotkaian informetrics" .

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Mon Mar 20 16:53:11 EST 2006

FULL REVIEW AVAILABLE AT : http://informationr.net/ir/reviews/revs181.html


TITLE  : Monographs on informetrics

SOURCE : Information Research, 10(4), review #R181, 2005.

The Author has reviewed the following :

Egghe, Leo

"Power laws in the information production process: Lotkaian informetrics"
Kidlington, Oxfordshire: Elsevier Academic Press, 2005. xvii, 427 p. ISBN 0-
12-088753-3. £68.99.
This monograph is devoted to explaining the regularities encountered in
literature (information production) using Lotka's size frequency function.
Lotka's law is treated as a tool that can be used for various informetric
issues helping to explain certain regularities in the light of earlier
results without always starting from zero (p. 295).

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